ISI Emerging Markets
About ISI Emerging Markets
Emerging Markets is a set of online databases that provide news, company
and financial data, and other information from "emerging markets" in countries
of Asia, Latin America, and Central and Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet
Union. Countries from Europe that are included are: Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine. There are also databases
for the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) and Central Asia and
the Caucasus (limited coverage). The databases are intended primarily for
use by business analysts and economists, but certain titles within each country
may be useful for others as well. For example, searchable full text news
sources included contain the articles of entire issues and are not limited
in scope to business and economics.
Emerging Markets has a number of strengths. It includes sources of information
in both English and vernacular languages. For most countries, there are quotes
from financial markets, macroeconomic forecasts, and statistical resources.
Economist Intelligence Unit ViewsWire briefings are available. For larger
countries (for example, Russia) there is extensive regional coverage. For
some countries there are extensive current law databases. There is a search
engine for searching the different databases included.
Accessing ISI Emerging Markets in the European Reading Room
After starting Netscape, World News Connection may be reached at the following
URL from any PC in the European Reading Room at
NOTE: Access to ISI Emerging Markets is by paid subscription only.
The Library of Congress is a subscriber and software at ISI is able to identify the origination of requests. It is not possible to use the Library's subscription from another site.