World News Connection (WNC)
World News Connection is a "foreign news alert service
from the U.S. Government" that is available by subscription from the
National Technical Information Service WWW site, Fedworld. In most respects
it constitutes an online continuation of the printed Foreign Broadcast Information
Service reports. Coverage begins with July, 1993.
World News Connection (WNC) offers time sensitive information gathered from
thousands of non-U.S. media sources, including political speeches, television
and radio broadcasts, and articles from newspapers, periodicals, and books.
Users get the most extensive and in-depth collection of unclassified military,
political, environmental, sociological, scientific and technical data and
reports from around the world. All the material is translated into English.
Subscribers can access the system 24 hours a day and conduct ad hoc interactive
(natural language or Boolean commands) or custom searches. Regional categories
covered include: Central Eurasia, East Asia, Near East & South Asia, China,
East Europe, West Europe, Sub Saharan Africa, Latin America.
World News Connection may be accessed from any of the four
public terminals in the European Reading room at the following URL:
A reference librarian or other staff member can provide assistance to those
not familiar with this process.
NOTE: Access to World News Connection is by paid subscription only.
The Library of Congress is a subscriber and software at the National Technical
Information Service is able to identify the origination of requests. It is
not possible to use the Library of Congress' subscription from another site.