The Education Innovator #7
Volume II
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The Education Innovator
 February 23, 2004 • Number 7
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What's inside...
The Haberman Educational Foundation
What's New
President Bush celebrates passage of the DC Choice Incentive Program; school options is the subject of the Education Department's TV show; website of information about alternative routes to certification launched by National Center for Alternative Certification; discussion of charter school accountability held at Brookings; new School Choice Alliance to be led by Clint Bolick; Secretary Paige encourages teachers to use President's Day to discuss history; ABC-CLIO announces teacher fellowship program; and study on the use of student performance data in America's Choice schools is available.
Innovations in the News
Western Governors University's enrollment has grown in its first year; plus information on school choice, Advanced Placement, charter schools, and supplemental educational services.

The Haberman Educational Foundation Helps School Districts Hire Quality Teachers and Principals for High-Need Students
For years, business and government have used personality and other tests to understand leadership and work styles of managers and employees. High school career centers offer preference assessments to help guide students on postsecondary education and career paths. Why not apply this approach as one indicator when hiring teachers?

The research of University of Wisconsin education professor Martin Haberman is the basis for the hiring and training tools and services available from the nonprofit Haberman Educational Foundation. Its best known tool is the Haberman "Star" Teacher Selection Interview, which helps districts identify quality teachers who are likely to succeed in tough, urban environments. The tool evaluates teachers to determine whether they:

  • are persistent and problem solvers;
  • are protective of learners and learning;
  • translate theory and research into practice;
  • use successful approaches for at-risk students;
  • respond professionally to students' needs;
  • understand and anticipate burnout; and
  • are willing to admit mistakes.
These qualities were identified by Professor Haberman over a 40-year period of research in the area of teacher and principal selection.

The foundation has conducted training in the use of the "Star" Teacher Selection Interview in over 170 districts and cities across the country, including Chicago, Milwaukee, Long Beach (CA), Pomona, Hillsborough County (FL), Adams 12 Five Star Schools (CO), Philadelphia, and Dallas.

The Haberman Foundation also features the "Star" Classroom Management Protocol, which is an online assessment that educators can use to identify their own classroom management skills. This tool is designed to help school districts determine if an individual will be able to properly manage a classroom. An online pre-screener test for teachers is also available.

To support school leadership, the foundation has produced the "Star" Principal Selection Interview, which is designed to help districts select quality principals. In addition, the foundation offers the "Star" Urban Administrator Questionnaire, an online pre-screener tool for principals. Finally, principals and teachers can be connected as a result of the Haberman Principal's Academy that helps principals recruit high-quality teachers through research-based technologies.

Studies have shown that the retention rate for teachers who have been hired using the Haberman "Star" Teacher Selection Interview is about 95%-98%. Milwaukee schools, for example, showed a 95% retention rate eight years after the 137 Haberman-interviewed teachers were hired. At Spring Branch Independent School District in Houston, achievement levels of students taught by teachers hired from the Haberman interview became among the highest in the district, and the use of the Haberman instrument is now regarded as a reform strategy there.

The Dallas Independent School District, in a joint effort with Madison Government Affairs and the Haberman Educational Foundation, recently received an OII grant to create the Teacher/Principal Retention Pilot Project. The goal of the project is to increase student achievement through extensive teacher and principal selection by using the Haberman Foundation's selection and management tools.

For additional information, please view Haberman Educational Foundation.

Note: The featured innovation is a description of one example of a foundation that supports alternative certification and nontraditional approaches to teacher and administrator recruitment, hiring, and retention. The information provided should not be regarded as an endorsement.

OII supports several programs to encourage alternative teacher certification and quality school leadership.

These include:


What's New
Improving Education with Parental Options and School Choice
President George W. Bush recently celebrated the passage of the DC Choice Incentive Program at Washington's Archbishop Carroll High School. He discussed his support for additional funding in the fiscal year 2004 omnibus appropriations act for public schools, charter schools, and opportunity scholarships for at least 1,700 of the District's poor children to go to private schools. (Feb. 13)

New Options for Families: Charters and School Choice
Charter schools and other school options were the subject of the February edition of the U.S. Department of Education's monthly TV show, "Education News Parents Can Use." Deputy Under Secretary Nina Rees was one of the featured speakers on the show. (Feb. 17)

National Center for Alternative Certification
An OII grantee, the National Center for Alternative Certification, has launched its website, which will serve as a one-stop, comprehensive, national clearinghouse of information about alternative routes to certification. The site includes a video of the proceedings of its first annual, national conference where OII's Associate Deputy Under Secretary Michael Petrilli was the keynote speaker. (Feb. 17)

A Study on Charter School Accountability
A study on charter school accountability, "High-Stakes: "Public Impact's National Study of Charter School Accountability was discussed last week at the Brookings Institution. The study indicates that authorizers are watching the performance of charter schools closely and are willing to shut down those that are under-performing. (Feb. 18)

School Choice Alliance
The new School Choice Alliance will be led by Clint Bolick, currently Vice President and Co-Founder of the Institute for Justice. This new organization will stimulate grassroots support for new school choice programs across the nation. Bolick has written widely on school choice issues. (Feb. 18)

Paige Urges Teachers to 'Emphasize American History and the Many Contributions of Our Presidents'
For President's Day, U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige encouraged teachers to use the national holiday to spark discussion of our presidents and their role in history--with the help of a department website: History, government, and civics are core academic subjects under No Child Left Behind. (Feb. 18)

ABC-CLIO 2004-2005 Schools History Fellowship Program
ABC-CLIO, a publisher of educational and reference products, has announced the 2004-2005 Schools History Fellowship Program. The program provides opportunities for outstanding secondary social studies teachers to participate in advanced study and editorial and professional development activities. Applications are due March 22. (Feb. 12)

Use of Student Performance Data to Guide Improvement
Mapping a Course for Improved Student Learning: How Innovative Schools Systematically Use Student Performance Data to Guide Improvement, shows that data can provide a solid foundation upon which to base courses of action and evaluate success of past decisions. The study is a result of site visits, interviews, and a random sample survey of schools using the America's Choice comprehensive school reform design committed to standards-based education. (November 2003)

Innovations in Education Exchange: School Choice, Doing It Right, February 25

  • Teaching American History, March 2
    (revised technical assistance webcast now available)
  • DC School Choice Incentive, March 5
  • Magnet Schools Assistance, March 15

Innovations in the News

Teacher Quality
OII-funded Western Governors University reports that its internet-based teacher's college enrollment has reached 1,300, just one year after its creation. Of these, 950 are working toward their initial state certification in elementary or secondary education. [More-ED Week] (Feb. 18)

School Choice
President Bush, celebrating the nation's first federally funded school voucher program in the District of Columbia, said he hopes it will promote change in education across the country. [More-Washington Post] (Feb. 13)

After just one week, the director of the Sarasota County (FL) school choice program has several hundred applications from parents who want their children to switch schools. [More-Herald Tribune] (Feb. 15)

Advanced Placement
Houston Independent School District's Superintendent announced a new program that will place sixth-graders in pre-AP English classes designed to make students aware of more rigorous classes the district offers. [More-Houston Chronicle] (Feb. 18)

Charter Schools
The University of North Florida will help existing and prospective charter schools with management and start-up challenges. The Florida Center for Independent School Management at the university will operate from the premise that charter schools are much like small businesses. [More-Jacksonville Business Journal] (Feb. 10)

Wisconsin Connections Academy, a virtual school chartered for kindergarten through eighth grade by the Appleton School District, has been in existence for two years, and is an alternative for some to home schooling and an option for children who are ill. [More-Shawano Leader] (Feb. 15)

Supplemental Educational Services
Advanced Academics has been selected by the California Department of Education as a supplemental educational services provider. It was the only online learning company among nine providers approved during the recent review period. [More-Business Wire] (Feb. 5)


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