Selected Instrumental Stock Arrangements
Afro-American Stocks predating 1920
Stock arrangements of music written by African-American composers/songwriters
from the turn of the century to 1920. Also parts for vaudeville orchestra
to back singers for songs written by African-American composers from the
turn of the century to 1920.
Count Basie Stocks
Stock arrangements of music performed by the Count Basie band published by
Bregman, Vocco, and Conn, 1938-1947.
Big Band Stocks 1935-1955
A selection of stock arrangements for full dance band published in America
between 1935 and 1955. It represents only a tiny portion of our holdings.
Emphasis on variety rather than significance or rarity.
Combo Stocks
A selection of stock arrangements for "combo" -- one-on-a-part
ensembles usually of about eight pieces -- published in America during
the years 1933-1961 (heavy emphasis on the years from 1938 through the mid-1950s).
Leeds Original Manuscript Series Arrangements
The Music Division's holdings in the Leeds Original Manuscript Series, published
from 1940 to 1947, a series of stock arrangements which claimed to present
the music as played by major dance bands.
Melrose Syncopation Series
The Music Division's holdings in the Melrose Syncopation Series, published
during the years 1923-1937, perhaps the most prestigious series of stock
arrangements ever published, including the works of Jelly Roll Morton and
the King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band. This list also contains our holdings
in its de luxe companion series, the Melrose Dixieland Concert Series.
Selection of Pre-1935 Stock Arrangements
A selection of stock arrangements for full dance band published between 1920
and 1934. Emphasis on pieces which a reconstruction band might want to have
in their repertory. |