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   Issue 5/6, Winter 2005/Spring 2006

Drilling rig near Sable Island


Oil and gas are considered among the world's most important resources. The oil and gas industry plays a critical role in driving the global economy. Petroleum itself is used for numerous products, in addition to serving as the world's primary fuel source. The processes and systems involved in producing and distributing oil and gas are highly complex, capital-intensive and require state-of-the-art technology. This issue of the Business & Economics Research Advisor provides a comprehensive overview and guide to resources on this vast and important industry.

BERA - Business & Economics Research Advisor - A Quarterly Guide to Business & Economics Topics

Issue 5/6: Winter 2005/Spring 2006

The Oil & Gas Industry

Table of Contents

Cartels & Organizations
Transportation & Storage
Marketing & Distribution
Natural Gas Industry Trends
Alternative Energy Sources
Company Research
Statistical Sources
News & Analysis
Electronic Resources & Catalog Searches

Caption: left:
Photograph of drilling rig Near Sable Island.
Courtesy of the Maritimes Region of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada.

The issue takes a global view of the industry and is intended to serve as a research aid for the discovery of interesting and useful sources worldwide. Included is a brief history of the oil and gas industry, oil and gas production, transportation and storage, marketing and distribution, as well as statistical sources, and a brief section on company research and finding aids. Sections on world natural gas production and alternative energy sources are also included in the guide.

If you have any further questions, please Ask A Librarian.

Joseph Sams, Lead
Janice Herd
Lawrence Marcus
Ellen Terrell
Angela Wilson
Joan Sullivan

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   Issue 5/6, Winter 2005/Spring 2006
  The Library of Congress >> Especially for Researchers >> Research Centers
   March 30, 2006
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