Enter the word or phrase you want to search for:
Search for Individual Words
If you want to find all NASD documents that contain the word “tractor”:
Enter this in the Search window |
To find all NASD documents that contain... |
tractor |
the word “tractor” |
Search for Several Words
Suppose you want find out if there are any NASD documents that talk about pesticides and diseases, then you will want to find all documents that contain both of these words, not necessarily right together:
Enter this in the Search window |
To find all NASD documents that contain... |
pesticide disease |
both words “pesticide” and “disease”, not necessarily right together |
Search for a Specific Phrase
If you want to learn about chain saw, enter this phrase in the search window using quotation marks or hyphens:
Enter this in the Search window |
To find all NASD documents that contain... |
“chain saw” |
the phrase”chain saw” |
chain-saw |
the phrase”chain saw” |
If you do not use the quotation marks or hyphens, you will get documents about chains, documents about saws, as well as documents about chain saws.
If you want to learn about chain saw safety, you might try one of the following searches:
Enter this in the Search window |
To find all NASD documents that contain... |
safety “chain saw” |
the word “safety” and the phrase “chain saw” |
“chain saw safety” |
the phrase “chain saw safety” where all three words are right together |
Search for a Particular Word or Phrase while Excluding Another
You may want to search for documents about saws, but you don’t want to know about chain saws. You can limit your search by using a minus sign.
Enter this in the Search window |
To find all NASD documents that contain... |
saw -“chain saw” |
the word “saw” excluding any documents that contain the phrase “chain saw” |
You might realize that you could find more information if you included “saws” as well as “saw” in your search. In that case:
Enter this in the Search window |
To find all NASD documents that contain... |
saw saws -“chain saw” |
the word “saw” or “saws” excluding any documents that contain the phrase “chain saw” |
Test yourself by describing what the following search will find:
Enter this in the Search window |
To find all NASD documents that contain... |
saw saws -“chain saw” -“chain saws” |
the word “saw” or “saws” excluding any documents that contain the phrase “chain saw” |