Healthy Farmers, Healthy Profits Project
"Healthy Farmers, Healthy Profits" provides information about work efficiency methods that improve health, safety and profits for nursery growers, dairy, fresh market vegetable, and berry farmers. Site content has been developed over a period of years in a collaboration between researchers, outreach specialists, and producers. The goal is to help farmers prevent pain and injury so they can keep farming, perform daily household tasks, and enjoy life. Program educators try to promote cost effective solutions that farmers will adopt. "Healthy Farmers, Healthy Profits" is primarily targeted to nursery, berry and small-scale, fresh market vegetable growers in the Midwestern United States and dairy farmers in Wisconsin.
Ag Centers
The Centers for Agricultural Disease and Injury Research, Education,
and Prevention represent a major NIOSH effort to protect the
health and safety of agricultural workers and their families.
The NIOSH Agricultural Centers were established as part of a
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) / NIOSH Agricultural
Health and Safety Initiative in 1990. The Centers were established
by cooperative agreement to conduct research, education, and
prevention projects to address the nation's pressing agricultural
health and safety problems. Geographically, the Centers are
distributed throughout the nation to be responsive to the agricultural
health and safety issues unique to the different regions.