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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Children's Bureau
Child and Family Services Reviews
Participating in Participating in Monday Morning Team Meetings and Exit Conferences

Updated March 2007

The purpose of the Monday morning team meetings and exit conferences is to bring together the Federal and State team members involved in the onsite review. The Federal and State Team Leaders and Local Site Leaders lead these conferences; other review team members play the role(s) assigned to them by the Team Leader or Local Site Leaders during these events. The Monday morning team meetings and local exit conferences involve the entire local site team. The statewide exit conference is conducted at a central location (usually in the State capital) and involves only the Team Leaders and Local Site Leaders. Consultant reviewers are released from the review following the local exit conference.

Monday Morning Team Meeting

The following activities occur during the Monday morning team meeting at each local site:

Exit Conference

During the local site exit conference, the Local Site Leaders provide an overview of the preliminary review findings for the site.

During the statewide exit conference, the Federal Team Leader provides to the State representatives an overview of the preliminary onsite review findings. The Team Leader presents the findings as tentative, pending a final and complete analysis of the information collected through the onsite review. A determination of substantial conformity is not discussed during the exit conference; it is provided to the State in the Final Report.

The following activities occur during the exit conference:

Role of the Review Team Members

Review team members should be available to participate in both the entrance and exit conferences, as requested by the Team Leaders or Local Site Leaders. While Team Leaders or Local Site Leaders will be the primary presenters during these events, they may ask other review team members to share information on a particular case; they also may call upon a team member with expertise in a particular area. In participating in Monday morning team meeting or exit conferences, review team members should do the following: