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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Children's Bureau
Child and Family Services Reviews
The Statewide Assessment Process

Updated March 2007

The Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSRs), administered by the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, are designed to support stronger Federal and State partnerships in assessing and then developing strategies for enhancing State child welfare policies and practices. The reviews, which focus on child and family outcomes in three domains (safety, permanency, and well-being), comprise two phases: (1) Statewide Assessment, and (2) onsite review.

The goals of phase 1, the Statewide Assessment, are to support States in examining the effectiveness of their policies and practices in preparation for the onsite review and to examine outcomes for children and families on the basis of Statewide aggregate data. The Statewide Assessment provides a snapshot of the State child welfare practices and outcomes. Information from both the Statewide Assessment and the onsite review is analyzed to determine the State's substantial conformity with the State plan and other program requirements under review.

The State conducts the Statewide Assessment in collaboration with State representatives who are not staff of the State agency and who represent the sources consulted with during the development of the State's title IV-B State plan. The Children's Bureau Central and Regional Office staff consult with, and provide support to, the State during the Statewide Assessment process.

In conducting the Statewide Assessment, the State uses the Statewide Assessment Instrument to compile information on State operations and to examine those operations in the context of outcomes for children and families. The instrument comprises the following sections:

The Statewide Assessment process works best when the State works closely with the Children’s Bureau Regional Office staff designated as the lead person for its review. The State provides interim drafts of the assessment to the Children’s Bureau Regional Office staff, who then can provide feedback throughout the Statewide Assessment development process. The Children’s Bureau Regional Office staff will help ensure that the Statewide Assessment meets the following requirements:

Once the State submits the completed instrument to the Children’s Bureau Regional Office, the lead staffperson, with the support of the Children's Bureau Central Office, conducts an analysis of the Statewide Assessment and completes portions of a Summary of Findings Form with information from the Statewide Assessment. This analysis is called the Preliminary Assessment.

The Preliminary Assessment is then shared with the review team members who will conduct the onsite review. One of the purposes of the onsite review activities (case record reviews, case-related interviews, and stakeholder interviews) is to examine onsite findings in comparison to the information in the Statewide Assessment.

Reviewers should examine the Statewide Assessment and Preliminary Assessment for the following purposes: