Published Genealogies
Please help the Library of Congress identify and acquire new
and reprinted genealogy and local history volumes.
The Library of Congress has one of the world's premier collections
of U.S. and foreign genealogy and local history publications. The
Library's genealogy collection began as early as 1815 when Thomas
Jefferson's library was purchased. Through generations of international
giving, the Library's collections contain more than 50,000 compiled
family histories and over 100,000 U.S. local histories. The Library
also collects local histories from around the world. Researchers
doing foreign research will find strong collections for western
Europe, especially the British Isles, Ireland, and Germany.
To donate a genealogy or local history
to the Library of Congress, bring the book to the Local History and
Genealogy Reading Room, located on the ground floor of the Jefferson
Building (LJ-G42). Donations may be sent by FedEx or UPS to
Library of Congress
Elena Zahirpour, US/Anglo Division
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20540-4275
(202) 707-9486 Phone
(202) 252-3347 FAX |
Library of Congress
Local History and Genealogy
Collection Development
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20540-4660
(202)707-5537 Phone
(202)707-1957 FAX |
Donations to the Library of Congress will be acknowledged, and
may be tax deductible, depending on the donor's own tax situation.
We strongly encourage the use of acid-free paper and if the work
requires binding, please allow wide margins.
If it is not possible for you to donate
your publication to the Library, we will make every effort to purchase
a copy, subject to the availability of funds. Please send the publisher's
name, address, and telephone number, along with the author, title,
and price of the book to Local History & Genealogy, Collection Development,
at the address listed.
When copyright deposit copies of genealogies
are sent to the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress it is
not necessary to donate additional gift copies. If you copyright your
published work, two copies must be deposited with the Copyright Office
within three months of publication. If your work is unpublished, only
one copy is required for registration, and the mandatory deposit requirement
does not apply. Should you wish to register your claim to copyright,
copies must be accompanied by a completed Form TX and a $30.00 non-refundable
filing fee.
Copyrighted published genealogies are automatically added to the
Library's collections; registered unpublished genealogies may be
selected if the Library's selection officer is aware that the work
is a genealogy. To assist in this selection, the title line on the
application for registration of an unpublished genealogy should
contain a reference to genealogy, for example: John Doe, family
history (genealogy). This will help assure that it will be added
to the Library's collections. The Library restricts the use that
may be made of unpublished genealogies contained in its collections.
Further information regarding copyright is available from:
Information Section, LM-401
Copyright Office
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington DC. 20559-6300
(202) 707-3000 Public Information Office
(202) 707-9100 Forms Hotline |