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USGS CMG InfoBank Geology School: dredge

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InfoBank Terms: Activity ID   activity overview   crew   formal metadata   lines   metadata   NGDC   port stops   project/theme   region   ship   stations   time   virtual globe   year  
Data Types: bathymetry   geodetic positioning   gravity   ground penetrating radar   imagery   LIDAR   magnetics   metering equipment   navigation   samples   seismic   definitions disclaimer  
Data Formats: ARC coverage   E00   FGDC metadata   gridded/image   imaging   material   scattered/swath   Shapefile   vector/polygon  
Title Comment Keywords
Challenges of Directly Observing the Sea Floor 21:39 - 22:40 (01:01) / 0.5 MB dredge, camera, sample, submersible, "Tanya L. Atwater"
Red Eye Crossing 17:56 - 18:56 (01:00) / 1.9 MB "Tom J. Pokrefke", river, "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers", "Red Eye Crossing", "river channel", "Waterways Experiment Station", WES, "Vicksburg Mississippi", sediment, deposition, energy, dredge
River Model 18:56 - 20:29 (01:33) / 2.6 MB river, "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers", "Red Eye Crossing", "river channel", WES, "Waterways Experiment Station", dredge, modeling, discharge, "bed load", "flow pattern", "point bar", mapping, sedimentation
Pilots of the Mississippi 22:32 - 23:40 (01:08) / 1.4 MB river, "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers", "Red Eye Crossing", "river channel", WES, "Waterways Experiment Station", dike, dredge, "dynamic system"
Simulating Navigation 23:40 - 24:59 (01:19) / 1.1 MB river, "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers", "Red Eye Crossing", "river channel", WES, "Waterways Experiment Station", dredge, "ship-tow simulator", modeling, simulation, discharge
Spits and Bars 10:43 - 12:04 (01:21) / 2.1 MB "Thomas Hartnett", sand-spit, bar, sand, bay, "long-shore current", coastline, beach, sand-spit, breakwater, dredge, transportation, deposition
Samples n.a. / n.a. sampling, sample, core, dredge, trap, net, grab, InfoBank, "sub-sample data", "sample data", "data distribution policy"
Geology School Keywords

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