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USGS CMG InfoBank: Rapid Loss of Data

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Comment: 08:45 - 09:34 (00:49)

Source: Annenberg/CPB Resources - Earth Revealed - 25. Living With Earth, Part I

Keywords: "William Bakun", "Loma Prieta Earthquake", earthquake, data

Our transcription: As relief efforts continue, geologists comb the surface area around Loma Prieta collecting data which will help them better understand this earthquake.

Ironically, the efficiency of the repair crews poses something of a threat to the work of investigating geologists.

"The cities, and counties, and state governments are very efficient at fixing things. So for example, damage to roads and public structures are fixed very quickly, so that you lose a lot of the data if you don't get out there and record it as soon as possible."

Another major obstacle facing the teams of investigators is weather.

Both wind and rain can wipe out vital evidence following earthquakes.

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