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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services

Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced


National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS)
Technical Assistance and Management Support Program
Detailed Case Data Component
Data Elements

Report Data
Child Data
Child Victim Data
Perpetrator Data


  1. Submission Year (SUBYR)
  2. State/Territory (STATERR)
  3. Report ID (RPTID)
  4. Child ID (CHID)
  5. County of Report (RPTCNTY)
  6. Report Date (RPTDT)
  7. Report Source (RPTSRC)
  8. Report Disposition (RPTDISP)
  9. Report Disposition Date (RPTDISDT)
  10. Notifications (NOTIFS)


  1. Child Age at Report (CHAGE)
  2. Child Date of Birth (CHBDATE)
  3. Child Sex (CHSEX)
  4. Child Race (CHRACE)
  5. Child Hispanic Ethnicity (CHISP)
  6. County of Residence (CHCNTY)
  7. Living Arrangement (CHLVNG)
  8. Military Family Member (CHMIL)
  9. Prior Victim (CHPRIOR)


  1. Maltreatment-1 Type (CHMAL1)
  2. Maltreatment-1 Disposition Level (MAL1LEV)
  3. Maltreatment-2 Type (CHMAL2)
  4. Maltreatment-2 Disposition Level (MAL2LEV)
  5. Maltreatment-3 Type (CHMAL3)
  6. Maltreatment-3 Disposition Level (MAL3LEV)
  7. Maltreatment-4 Type (CHMAL4)
  8. Maltreatment-4 Disposition Level (MAL4LEV)
  9. Maltreatment Death (MALDEATH)
  10. Alcohol Abuse-Child (CDALC)
  11. Drug Abuse-Child (CDDRUG)
  12. Mental Retardation-Child (CDRTRD)
  13. Emotionally Disturbed-Child (CDEMOTNL)
  14. Visually or Hearing Impaired-Child (CDVISUAL)
  15. Learning Disability-Child (CDLEARN)
  16. Physically Disabled-Child (CDPHYS)
  17. Behavior Problem-Child (CDBEHAV)
  18. Other Medical Condition-Child (CDMEDICL)
  19. Alcohol Abuse-Caretaker(s) (FCALC)
  20. Drug Abuse-Caretaker(s) (FCDRUG)
  21. Mental Retardation-Caretaker(s) (FCRTRD)
  22. Emotionally Disturbed-Caretaker(s) (FCEMOTNL)
  23. Visually or Hearing Impaired-Caretaker(s) (FCVISUAL)
  24. Learning Disability-Caretaker(s) (FCLEARN)
  25. Physically Disabled-Caretaker(s) (FCPHYS)
  26. Other Medical Condition-Caretaker(s) (FCMEDICL)
  27. Domestic Violence (FCVIOL)
  28. Inadequate Housing (FCHOUSE)
  29. Financial Problem (FCMONEY)
  30. Public Assistance (FCPUBLIC)
  31. Post Investigation Services (POSTSERV)
  32. Service Date (SERVDATE)
  33. Family Support Services (FAMSUP)
  34. Family Preservation Services (FAMPRES)
  35. Foster Care Services (FOSTERCR)
  36. Removal Date (RMVDATE)
  37. Juvenile Court Petition (JUVPET)
  38. Petition Date (PETDATE)
  39. Adoption Services (ADOPT)
  40. Case Management Services (CASEMANG)
  41. Counseling Services (COUNSEL)
  42. Day Care Services-Child (DAYCARE)
  43. Educational and Training Services (EDUCATN)
  44. Employment Services (EMPLOY)
  45. Family Planning Services (FAMPLAN)
  46. Health-Related and Home Health Services (HEALTH)
  47. Home-Based Services (HOMEBASE)
  48. Housing Services (HOUSING)
  49. Independent and Transitional Living Services (TRANSLIV)
  50. Information and Referral Services (INFOREF)
  51. Legal Services (LEGAL)
  52. Mental Health Services (MENTHLTH)
  53. Pregnancy and Parenting Services for Young Parents (PREGPAR)
  54. Respite Care Services (RESPITE)
  55. Special Services-Disabled (SSDISABL)
  56. Special Services-Juvenile Delinquent (SSDELINQ)
  57. Substance Abuse Services (SUBABUSE)
  58. Transportation Services (TRANSPRT)
  59. Other Services (OTHERSV)


  1. Perpetrator-1 ID (PER1ID)
  2. Perpetrator-1 Relationship (PER1REL)
  3. Perpetrator-1 as a Caretaker (PER1CR)
  4. Perpetrator-1 Age at Report (PER1AGE)
  5. Perpetrator-1 Sex (PER1SEX)
  6. Perpetrator-1 Race (PER1RACE)
  7. Perpetrator-1 Hispanic Ethnicity (PER1HISP)
  8. Perpetrator-1 Military Member (PER1MIL)
  9. Perpetrator-1 Prior Abuser (PER1PIOR)
  10. Perpetrator-1 Maltreatment-1 (PER1MAL1)
  11. Perpetrator-1 Maltreatment-2 (PER1MAL2)
  12. Perpetrator-1 Maltreatment-3 (PER1MAL3)
  13. Perpetrator-1 Maltreatment-4 (PER1MAL4)
  14. Perpetrator-2 ID (PER2ID)
  15. Perpetrator-2 Relationship (PER2REL)
  16. Perpetrator-2 as a Caretaker (PER2CR)
  17. Perpetrator-2 Age at Report (PER2AGE)
  18. Perpetrator-2 Sex (PER2SEX)
  19. Perpetrator-2 Race (PER2RACE)
  20. Perpetrator-2 Hispanic Ethnicity (PER2HISP)
  21. Perpetrator-2 Military Member (PER2MIL)
  22. Perpetrator-2 Prior Abuser (PER2PIOR)
  23. Perpetrator-2 Maltreatment-1 (PER2MAL1)
  24. Perpetrator-2 Maltreatment-2 (PER2MAL2)
  25. Perpetrator-2 Maltreatment-3 (PER2MAL3)
  26. Perpetrator-2 Maltreatment-4 (PER2MAL4)
  27. Perpetrator-3 ID (PER3ID)
  28. Perpetrator-3 Relationship (PER3REL)
  29. Perpetrator-3 as a Caretaker (PER3CR)
  30. Perpetrator-3 Age at Report (PER3AGE)
  31. Perpetrator-3 Sex (PER3SEX)
  32. Perpetrator-3 Race (PER3RACE)
  33. Perpetrator-3 Hispanic Ethnicity (PER3HISP)
  34. Perpetrator-3 Military Member (PER3MIL)
  35. Perpetrator-3 Prior Abuser (PER3PIOR)
  36. Perpetrator-3 Maltreatment-1 (PER3MAL1)
  37. Perpetrator-3 Maltreatment-2 (PER3MAL2)
  38. Perpetrator-3 Maltreatment-3 (PER3MAL3)
  39. Perpetrator-3 Maltreatment-4 (PER3MAL4)