American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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The Failure to Retake Savannah

Siège de Savannah fait par les troupes françoises aux ordres du général d'Estaing vice-amiral de France
Pierre Ozanne (1737-1813)
Siège de Savannah fait par les troupes françoises aux ordres du général d'Estaing vice-amiral de France, 1779
Map, pen-and ink, watercolor and gilt
Geography & Map Division (21A.7)
Digital ID # g3924s ar157700

Pierre Ozanne was a marine artist assigned to the French fleet during the American Revolution. The map and its lengthy legend and notes recount the combined American troops and French fleet's failure to retake Savannah in 1779. It shows the locations of the French and American camps, lines of march, the Spring Hill redoubt where the major action took place, and cultural features such as a Jewish cemetery and a hospital.

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