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National Household Education Surveys Program (NHES)

Data Products - Information for users

The following information applies to you only if you have NHES:1999 data files that were downloaded or ordered before June 1, 2001. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Data files for NHES: 1999 that were downloaded or shipped prior to June 1st, 2001 contain weights that have subsequently been revised and need to be replaced. The affected variables are: fpwt, fpwt1-fpwt80 for Parent-NHES: 1999; fywt, fywt1-fywt80 for Youth-NHES: 1999; and fawt, fawt1-fawt80 for AE-NHES: 1999. No other data elements have changed. To create a system file containing only the revised weights, you will need to download the revised full ASCII data file and corresponding set-up file that extracts only the corrected weights and the case identification variable necessary for merging. SPSS, SAS and STATA syntax files are provided to create system files containing the corrected weights and case identifier from the revised ASCII data files (files starting p99wgt, y99wgt, and a99wgt). The old weights should be dropped from any existing analysis files and the new weights merged in as replacements. Merging between your analysis files and the new weight file should be done using the variable BASMID as the match or key variable. Additional instructions, including examples of syntax for SPSS, SAS and STATA are provided in the file named "2000079_merge.pdf."

For users of the data who requested or downloaded the NHES: 1999 data on or after June 1st, 2001, full ASCII copies of the NHES: 1999 datasets (parent99.dat, youth99.dat, and parent99.dat) with correct weights are provided in compressed files (, and, and SPSS, SAS, and STATA data set-up files (files starting with parent99, youth99, and adult99 below) are also provided. There is one ASCII file each for the Parent, Youth, and Adult Education questionnaires.

Data users may need to edit the syntax in the set-up files so that the directories specified in the files match the directory structure and the location of data on the user's computer. PLEASE NOTE: The documentation for the Parent-NHES: 1999, Youth-NHES: 1999, and AE-NHES: 1999 files can be found in the National Household Education Survey of 1999: Methodology Report, NCES # 2000078 and Data File User's Manual, NCES # 2000076, 2000077, 2000081, and 2000082. At this time, these reports have not been revised to reflect the adjustment to the survey weights. As a result, data users should not use the weighted response rates or weighted frequencies that appear in these reports. Please see the file "2000079_readme.pdf" for response rate information and weighted frequencies of key variables using the revised weights.

File Downloads

1999 Parent setup files for revised weights

1999 Youth setup files for revised weights

1999 Adult setup files for revised weights

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