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Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 2001
Executive Summary



Violent Deaths at School

Nonfatal Student Victimization-Student Reports

Violence and Crime at School-Public School Principal/ Disciplinarian Reports

Nonfatal Teacher Victimization at School-Teacher Reports

School Environment

-Prevalence of students carrying weapons on school property

-Student's perceptions of personal safety at school and when traveling to and from school

-Students' reports of avoiding places in school

-Students' reports of being called hate-related words and seeing hate-related graffiti

-Students' reports of gangs at school

-Public school principals' reports of discipline problems at school

-Prevalence of students using alcohol

-Prevalence of students using marijuana

-Prevalence of students reporting drugs were made available to them on school property


Full Report (PDF)

-Supplemental Tables (PDF - 145 KB)

-Standard Error Tables (PDF - 144 KB)

-Appendix A   School Practices and Policies Related to Safety and Discipline' (PDF - 52 KB)

-Appendix B   Technical Notes (PDF - 73 KB)

-Appendix C   Glossary of Terms (PDF - 25 KB)

-Excel Tables   Zip Format (307 KB)

School Environment

16. Public school principals' reports of discipline problems at school*

Discipline problems in a school may contribute to an overall climate in which violence may occur. Schools that suffer from student drug or alcohol use, racial tensions, or verbal and physical abuse of teachers may be filled with pressures that result in school violence.

  • During the 1996-97 school year, 16 percent of all public school principals reported that one or more discipline issues had been a serious problem in their school10 (figure 16.1 and table 16.1). About the same percentage of principals in city, urban fringe, town, and rural settings reported one or more serious discipline problems.
  • Public elementary schools were the least likely to report any serious discipline issues, followed by middle schools and then high schools (figure 16.1 and table 16.1). About 8 percent of elementary school principals re-ported one or more of these issues as a serious problem, while 18 percent of principals in middle schools and 37 percent of those in high schools did so.
  • While overall there were no significant differences in reported serious problems by urbanicity, a greater percentage of principals in public city high schools than in rural high schools reported having serious discipline problems - 47 percent compared with 28 percent (figure 16.1 and table 16.1).
*This indicator repeats information from the 2000 Indicators of School Crime and Safety report.
10 These issues were student tardiness, student absenteeism/class cutting, physical conflicts among students, robbery or theft of items worth over $10, vandalism of school property, student alcohol use, student drug use, sale of drugs on school grounds, stu-dent tobacco use, student possession of weapons, trespassing, verbal abuse of teachers, physical abuse of teachers, teacher absenteeism, teacher alcohol or drug use, racial tensions, and gangs.

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