U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge Unveil New Web Resources to Help Schools Plan for Emergencies (March 7, 2003)

Secretary Paige and Secretary Ridge unveil new web resources to help schools plan for emergencies during a March 7 visit to Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, MD.

Secretary Paige and Secretary Ridge unveil new web resources to help schools plan for emergencies during a March 7 visit to Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, MD. Secretary Paige and Secretary Ridge greet members of the law enforcement community and students and school officials from Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, MD.
Secretary Rod Paige and Secretary Tom Ridge, Maryland government and school officials, and law enforcement  


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Secretary Paige and Secretary Ridge unveil new web resources to help schools plan for emergencies during a March 7 visit to Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, MD.