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NLS: That All May Read
Reference Publications
- Added Entries
- Added entries is a quarterly that lists significant new publications added
to the reference collection of the National Library Service for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped.
- Bibliographies
- A series of bibliographies is issued on topics of interest to students,
professionals, and others doing research on some aspect of handicapping conditions.
- Circulars
- Each issue in this series is a compilation of current information on a topic
of interest to persons with singular handicaps and those who provide services to
them. Circulars are revised frequently to reflect the most recent information
on a topic.
- Directories
- Directories provide information on libraries in the U.S. that provide reading
materials to blind and physically handicapped readers, periodicals available
in special media, and volunteers who will transcribe braille, narrate books,
or enlarge print materials.
- Factsheets
- A series of factsheets is used to provide annual data about NLS, a publications
checklist, information about specific policies and services, and, as appropriate,
other information having current reference value.
- Subject Headings
- A list of subject headings developed by the Reference Section of the National
Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped for its own specialized
collection of reference materials on blindness and physical disabilities.
The headings are not those used in the online catalogs of the Library of
Congress, although some are modifications of those headings.
Many of the publications listed above are available in braille, audio cassette,
large print, or as a link on the Internet. We have provided an order form
that lists the currently available publications and their format of publication.
You can go to the order form to request a copy
of individual publications.
If you have questions, use the contact us link at the beginning of this page
to find a telephone, facsimile, and email address. Read
this notice about mail service for items you mail to NLS.
Posted on 2006-05-30