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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Table 6-8 Factors Related to Receipt of Postinvestigation Services and Foster Care, 2006
Child Maltreatment 2006

FACTOR CATEGORIESOdds Ratio Predicting
Services (N=509,578)
Blank CellOdds Ratio
of Predicting
In-Home Services
(N = 509,578)
Blank CellOdds Ratio Predicting
Foster Care Placement
Blank Cell
Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
PRIOR VICTIM Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
No 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell
Yes 1.42 *** 0.90 *** 1.71 ***
Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
CHILD DISABILITY Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
No 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell
Yes 2.00 *** 0.63 *** 2.83 ***
Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
TYPE OF MALTREATMENT Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Physical Abuse Only 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell
Neglect Only 1.20 *** 0.98 Blank Cell 1.27 ***
Sexual Abuse Only 0.76 *** 0.82 *** 0.65 ***
"Other" Abuse 0.97 Blank Cell 1.35 *** 0.62 ***
Multiple Maltreatments 1.65 *** 0.87 *** 2.02 ***
Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
CHILD AGE Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
<1 years 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell
1-3 years 0.66 *** 1.15 *** 0.59 ***
4-7 years 0.59 *** 1.22 *** 0.47 ***
8-11 years 0.56 *** 1.26 *** 0.43 ***
12-15 years 0.57 *** 1.15 *** 0.50 ***
16-21 years 0.52 *** 1.04 Blank Cell 0.51 ***
Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
CHILD RACE/ETHNICITY Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
White 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell
African-American 1.22 *** 0.95 *** 1.33 ***
American Indian or Alaska Native 1.07 Blank Cell 0.94 Blank Cell 1.11 *
Asian or Pacific Islander 1.05 Blank Cell 1.11 ** 0.96 Blank Cell
Hispanic 1.16 *** 1.13 *** 1.02 Blank Cell
"Other" or Multiple Race 1.43 *** 0.85 *** 1.63 ***
Unable to Determine or Missing 0.35 *** 0.77 *** 0.29 ***
Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
REPORT SOURCE Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Social Services Personnel 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell
Medical Personnel 1.05 ** 1.30 *** 0.82 ***
Mental Health Personnel 0.77 *** 1.48 *** 0.50 ***
Law Enforcement or Legal Personnel 0.73 *** 1.07 *** 0.67 ***
Educational Personnel 0.80 *** 1.44 *** 0.51 ***
Child Daycare Providers 0.89 * 1.30 *** 0.68 ***
Foster Care Providers 1.25 *** 1.08 Blank Cell 1.19 *
"Other" or Unknown 0.85 *** 1.34 *** 0.62 ***
Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
PERPETRATOR RELATIONSHIP Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Mother Only 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell 1.00 Blank Cell
Father Only 0.55 *** 1.02 Blank Cell 0.43 ***
Both Parents 1.27 *** 1.04 ** 1.20 ***
Mother and Other 1.17 *** 0.99 Blank Cell 1.20 ***
Father and Other 0.84 *** 0.89 ** 0.97 Blank Cell
Nonparental Perpetrator 0.40 *** 0.66 *** 0.51 ***
Perpetrator Relationship Unknown 0.52 *** 0.79 *** 0.64 ***

* p <= 0.01
**p <= 0.001
***p <= 0.0001

Data source: Child File.
Based on data from 36 States


Factors Related to Receipt of Postinvestigation Services and Foster Care, 2006
This table displays the odds ratio of receiving postinvestigation services based on various factor categories. The first column lists the factors then the next columns list the odds ratio of predicting services and the statistical significance for all services, in-home services, and foster care placement.

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