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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Table 6-2 Funding Sources, 2006
Child Maltreatment 2006

StateTotal Recipients
of Preventive
Child Abuse and
Neglect State Grant

Community-Based Grants
for the Prevention of
Child Abuse and Neglect

Promoting Safe and
Stable Families
Social Services
Block Grant
Number of
Percent of
Number of
Percent of
Number of
Percent of
Number of
Percent of
Number of
Percent of
Alabama Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Alaska 2,842 Blank Cell Blank Cell 804 28.3 1,617 56.9 Blank Cell Blank Cell 421 14.8
Arizona 47,290 Blank Cell Blank Cell 1,000 2.1 27,959 59.1 Blank Cell Blank Cell 18,331 38.8
Arkansas 66,703 2,802 4.2 Blank Cell Blank Cell 62,841 94.2 1,060 1.6 Blank Cell Blank Cell
California 728,977 644 0.1 46,122 6.3 333,682 45.8 Blank Cell Blank Cell 348,529 47.8
Colorado 28,416 Blank Cell Blank Cell 19,491 68.6 8,925 31.4 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Connecticut Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Delaware 6,589 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell 1,592 24.2 398 6.0 4,599 69.8
District of Columbia 4,530 481 10.6 Blank Cell Blank Cell 156 3.4 329 7.3 3,564 78.7
Florida 165,105 9,626 5.8 3,383 2.0 63,089 38.2 7,356 4.5 81,651 49.5
Georgia 190,338 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell 59,524 31.3 Blank Cell Blank Cell 130,814 68.7
Hawaii Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Idaho 14,260 Blank Cell Blank Cell 4,331 30.4 8,558 60.0 Blank Cell Blank Cell 1,371 9.6
Illinois 36,975 23,746 64.2 2,760 7.5 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell 10,469 28.3
Indiana 32,124 Blank Cell Blank Cell 7,184 22.4 9,028 28.1 13,256 41.3 2,656 8.3
Iowa 83,864 Blank Cell Blank Cell 8,944 10.7 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell 74,920 89.3
Kansas 28,584 699 2.4 20,651 72.2 7,041 24.6 Blank Cell Blank Cell 193 0.7
Kentucky 12,729 Blank Cell Blank Cell 7,002 55.0 5,321 41.8 406 3.2 Blank Cell Blank Cell
Louisiana 84,057 132 0.2 51,283 61.0 5,919 7.0 15,520 18.5 11,203 13.3
Maine Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Maryland Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Massachusetts Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Michigan Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Minnesota 94,212 1,357 1.4 6,842 7.3 14,899 15.8 70,891 75.2 223 0.2
Mississippi 82,614 4,797 5.8 314 0.4 3,600 4.4 36,955 44.7 36,948 44.7
Missouri 5,369 Blank Cell Blank Cell 631 11.8 387 7.2 Blank Cell Blank Cell 4,351 81.0
Montana 9,276 Blank Cell Blank Cell 4,669 50.3 4,607 49.7 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Nebraska 24,459 Blank Cell Blank Cell 6,045 24.7 18,414 75.3 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Nevada 44,842 Blank Cell Blank Cell 6,142 13.7 8,973 20.0 11,295 25.2 18,432 41.1
New Hampshire 107,685 206 0.2 9,570 8.9 2,595 2.4 1,614 1.5 93,700 87.0
New Jersey 247,272 913 0.4 60,450 24.4 5,580 2.3 178,562 72.2 1,767 0.7
New Mexico 9,487 Blank Cell Blank Cell 797 8.4 1,782 18.8 Blank Cell Blank Cell 6,908 72.8
New York 213,295 Blank Cell Blank Cell 14,691 6.9 Blank Cell Blank Cell 182,488 85.6 16,116 7.6
North Carolina 16,565 Blank Cell Blank Cell 1,503 9.1 11,974 72.3 Blank Cell Blank Cell 3,088 18.6
North Dakota Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Ohio 34,495 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell 34,495 100.0 Blank Cell Blank Cell
Oklahoma 25,383 Blank Cell Blank Cell 12,741 50.2 11,584 45.6 1,058 4.2 Blank Cell Blank Cell
Oregon Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Pennsylvania 40,750 Blank Cell Blank Cell 33,393 81.9 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell 7,357 18.1
Puerto Rico 162,635 Blank Cell Blank Cell 11,391 7.0 13,053 8.0 Blank Cell Blank Cell 138,191 85.0
Rhode Island 5,366 1,302 24.3 679 12.7 143 2.7 Blank Cell Blank Cell 3,242 60.4
South Carolina Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
South Dakota 4,809 Blank Cell Blank Cell 4,809 100.0 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Tennessee 229,032 87,000 38.0 87,032 38.0 55,000 24.0 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Texas 80,786 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell 80,786 100.0 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Utah 39,224 Blank Cell Blank Cell 2,716 6.9 1,490 3.8 Blank Cell Blank Cell 35,018 89.3
Vermont 4,420 Blank Cell Blank Cell 2,225 50.3 Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell 2,195 49.7
Virginia 76,120 47,700 62.7 765 1.0 13,673 18.0 Blank Cell Blank Cell 13,982 18.4
Washington 108,006 5,761 5.3 50,220 46.5 35,375 32.8 16,650 15.4 Blank Cell Blank Cell
West Virginia Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Wisconsin Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Wyoming Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell Blank Cell
Total 3,199,485 187,166 Blank Cell 490,580 Blank Cell 879,167 Blank Cell 572,333 Blank Cell 1,070,239 Blank Cell
Percent Blank Cell Blank Cell 5.8 Blank Cell 15.3 Blank Cell 27.5 Blank Cell 17.9 Blank Cell 33.5
Number Reporting 39 15 15 33 33 32 32 16 16 28 28


Funding Sources, 2006
The first column in this table lists each State; the next column lists the total number of recipients who received preventive services. The following columns report the number and the percentage of recipients who received services from each funding source. The funding categories are as follows: Child Abuse and Neglect State Grant, Community-Based Grants for the Prevention of Child abuse and Neglect, Promoting Safe and Stable Families, Social Services Block Grant, and Other. A total 3,199,485 recipients received preventive services.

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