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General Administration Manual (GAM)

Part 10 – Reports Management (PDF) [492kb]

  • Reports Management Program, 10-00 (PDF) [492 kb] Obsolete
  • Preparation and Submission of Reports to Congress Required of the Secretary, 10-10
  • Reports Management—Other than Public Reports, 10-13
  • Clearance of Interagency Reports, 10-15
  • Determining Costs of Reports, 10-17
  • Reports Management Compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974, 10-19
  • Policies and Responsibilities for Obtaining Reports from Non-Federal Sources, 10-20
  • Safeguards of Privacy, 10-21
  • Needs and Standards for Data, 10-22
  • Procedures for Clearance and Review, 10-23

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Last Revised: November 15, 2006


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