FIS National Meeting 2004

The 2004 FIS National Meeting was held on August 16-19 in Seattle, WA.  This was the second national meeting held.

Conference Overview Speakers Proceedings

Meeting Goals

The goals of the FIS Second Annual National Meeting are to review progress made during the last year, to continue working on problem resolutions, and to set new goals to move the program forward in the coming year.


Meeting Objectives

  • Clarify the scope and objectives of FIS through reviewing the FIS roadmap
  • Review accomplishments in FY04 and status of current projects
  • Learn lessons from regional projects and Fisheries Information Networks (FINs)
  • Brainstorm real business needs and key to success
  • Achieve consensus on the directions and funding priorities of FIS
  • Review PSG objectives, define new projects, milestones, and performance measures

Meeting Schedule


To see a comprensive conference schedule: National Meeting 2004 Schedule (DOC, 46Kb).