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Topics in Preservation Science

Photo of Abraham Lincoln which has deteriorated Photo of Conservator treating  poster photo of old book photo of film case and film which has totally deteriorated
The Library of Congress Preservation Directorate
in co-sponsorship with the
Folger Shakespeare Library
and the
Center for the Book in the Library of Congress
(hosted by the Library of Congress and the
Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education)

present a "Topics in Conservation Science"

Adhesives and Leather Symposium

September 29, 30 and October 1, 2003

Roger Barlee, J. Hewit & Sons Ltd.
Jane Down, Canadian Conservation Institute
Toby Raphael, National Park Service
Roy Thomson, The Leather Conservation Center
Panel Moderator:
Dianne van der Reyden, Library of Congress


September 29, 2003

Suitland, Maryland
8:45 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Lecture: Adhesives
Limited to 65 participants
Pickford Theatre
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C.
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
The Work of the Leather Conservation Cnetre: Saving Our Leathery Heritage
Roy Thomason, Director, LCC
Reception & lecture sponsored by the Center for the Book, Library of Congress
Limited to 65 participants
September 30, 2003

Whittall Pavilion
Library of Congress

8:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Lecture: Leather
Limited to 65 participants

Conservation Office
Library of Congress

2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Practicum: Limited to 25 participants

October 1, 2003

Conservation Office
Library of Congress

8:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Practicum: Limited to 25 participants

  Pickford Theatre
Library of Congress
1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Lecture: Leather
Limited to 65 participants
Program Description
This three-day symposium will focus on adhesives and leather as used in book and paper conservation. The speakers will address the latest research in adhesives, recent advances in the theory and practice of leather conservation including the history of leather manufacture, as well as engage in discussion of current treatment and research issues. Participants will engage in practical exercises, lecture sessions and panel discussions defined in breakout sessions. Due to space limitations the morning lectures will be open to 65 participants, the practicum limited to twenty-five participants.

Monday - ADHESIVES (open to 65 participants, all day)

  • Introduction to adhesives and bonding
  • CCI adhesive research on poly(vinyl acetate), (PVAC) and acrylic adhesives
  • The effect of modifiers on the stability of a vinyl acetate/ethylene (VAE) copolymer emulsion adhesive
  • Parameters for adhesives and backings for skin and leathers
  • Practical application with Cellulose Ethers and heat-set backings
  • Questions and panel discussion

Tuesday & Wednesday: LEATHER
(Lectures: open to 65 participants; Practicums: 25 participants)


  • Brief History of leather making.
  • Skin into Leather - a scientific background
  • Deterioration of bookbinding leather and its causes
  • Scientific examination of leather
  • Archival leathers, the background and updates on current research
  • Examination of currently available leathers
  • The development of objective physical tests
  • Artificial aging revisited
  • Identification of common species
  • Lessons learned/insights gained
  • Conservation of leather objects
  • Close with panel discussion


  • Shrinkage temperature/humidification/cleaning techniques
  • Repair techniques/backing materials/adhesives
  • Species identification/consolidation/surface infilling
  • Dyeing/dressing/finishing

Enrollment limited: Lectures 65, Practicum 25

For more information and to register, contact:

Confirmation will be sent to participants September 24, 2003.