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Topics in Preservation Science

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Topics in Preservation Science - Course Series

These courses require preregistration and may be limited to staff and interested professionals. In some cases, lectures associated with the courses may be open to the public.

Topics in Preservation Science also sponsors lectures which are open to the public. For additional information, see the Lecture Series schedule.

Schedule for 2004 is being finalized.
19-21, 2003
Characterization of Media and Deterioration Cheryl Porter, Director of the Montefiascone Library Conservation Project, Italy, will give a course on history and use of Pigments and ink. (Lecture only is open to public, workshop closed)
February 19 Inks: Sepia, Iron Gall and Carbon; Making the Medieval book Lecture 9 - 12, Conservation Division
February 19 The Medieval "Palette"; Media Lecture 1 - 4, West Dining Room
February 20 The Medieval blues; The coloring of tawed skins Lecture 1 - 4, Pickford Theater
February 21 Organic colors; The making and use of "lake" colors Lecture 1 - 4, Pickford Theater
February 21 Pigments and conservation issues: Identification and consolidation Lecture 4:30 - , Conservation Division
Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2003 Adhesives and Leather Symposium

Rober Barlee, J.Hewit & Sons Ltd.
Jane Down, Canadian Conservation Institute
Toby Raphael, National Park Service
Roy Thomson, Leather Conservation Center
Click here for complete program and registration information.

For more information contact:

Dianne van der Reyden
Director for Preservation
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave. S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20540-4500.