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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Administration for Children and Families

Administration for Children, Youth and Families

1. Log No.: ACYF-IM-CB-97-04 2. Issuance Date: 6/5/97
3. Originating Office: Children's Bureau
4. Key Words: The Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996,Interethnic Adoption, and Multiethnic Placement Act


TO:   State Agencies Administering the Title IV-B Child and Family Services Program and the Title IV-E Foster Care and Adoption Assistance Programs

SUBJECT:   GUIDANCE FOR FEDERAL LEGISLATION - The Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 (Public Law (P.L.) 104-188), Section 1808, "Removal of Barriers to Interethnic Adoption"

LEGAL AND RELATED REFERENCES:   The Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-188); the Multiethnic Placement Act of 1994 (enacted as part of the Improving America's Schools Act, Public Law 103-382); the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-193); titles IV-B (42 U.S.C. 620 et seq.) and IV-E (42 U.S.C. 670 et seq.) of the Social Security Act; Section 471(a) of title IV-E (42 U.S.C. 671(a)); 45 C.F.R. 1356; and ACYF-IM-CB-96-24.

PURPOSE:   The purpose of this Information Memorandum is to provide State agencies and others with guidance and clarification that relates to Section 1808, "Removal of Barriers to Interethnic Adoption," of the Small Business Job Protection Act.

BACKGROUND:   On August 20, 1996 President Clinton signed The Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996. Included in this new law was Section 1808 "Removal of Barriers to Interethnic Adoption." On November 14, 1996 the Children's Bureau issued an Information Memorandum (IM), ACYF-IM-CB-96-24, to State title IV-E/IV-B agencies informing them of the changes to the Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA) of 1994 and the amendments to title IV-E.

GUIDANCE:   The Department issued a memorandum (dated June 4, 1997) to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Regional Managers and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Regional Administrators to provide guidance in the implementation of MEPA as amended. Attached is the memorandum.

INQUIRIES:   OCR and ACF Regional Office (lists attached)


James A. Harrell
Deputy Commissioner
Administration on Children, Youth and Families

cc:   OCR and ACF Regional Office


Attachment A:   Memorandum to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Regional Managers and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Regional Administrators(without attachments)
Attachment B:   Section 1808, "Removal of Barriers to Interethnic Adoption", of the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-188)
Attachment C:   ACF Regional Office lists
Regional List for the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) (This link will open in another browser window.)