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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services

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Administration for Children and Families

Administration for Children, Youth and Families

1. Log No.: ACYF-PI-87-06 2. Issuance Date: October 30, 1987
3. Originating Office: Children's Bureau
4. Key Word: Independent Living Initiative Title IV-E - FY 1988


TO:   State Administrators of State Public Welfare Agencies Administering Title IV-E of the Social Security Act

SUBJECT:   FY 1988 Independent Living Initiatives Program

LEGAL AND RELATED REFERENCES:   Section 477, section 474(a)(1)-(4), and section 475(1) of title IV-E of the Social Security Act; ACYF-PI-87-01, Issued February 10, 1987

SUMMARY:   The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (P.L. 99-272), through the addition of section 477 to title IV-E of the Social Security Act, authorizes funds to States for fiscal years 1987 and 1988 for service programs and activities to assist eligible children (age 16 and over) in title IV-E foster care to make the transition from foster care to independent living.

PURPOSE:   The purpose of this Program Instruction is to provide information about the Independent Living Initiatives Program and specify the application procedures for States to use in applying for FY 1988 funds.

Attached is a copy of ACYF-PI-87-01, which specified procedures for applying for FY 1987 funds and should be used in conjunction with this Program Instruction in applying for FY 1988 funds. Particular attention is directed to the BACKGROUND and CONTENT sections, which are still applicable and should assist you in the preparation of your FY 1988 submission.

INSTRUCTIONS:   Application Requirements: In order for a State to receive its allotment under section 477, the State agency must submit an application that meets the requirements of section 477 and this Program Instruction. There is no fiscal form or other fiscal application. The application may be in the format of the State's choice; however, it must be signed by the administrator of the State title IV-E agency or his/her designee and contain the following descriptions and assurances:

  1. Responsible State Agency. A statement that the State agency administering the title IV-E program will administer the Independent Living program under section 477 (Section 477(b)).
  2. Description. An updated description of the services and activities that the State plans to carry out with the allotted FY 1988 funds; how the State will build on FY 1987 activities and expenditures; the number of title IV-E eligible children, age 16 or over, expected to be in care and the number expected to participate in the title IV-E-IL program during the year; status of the State agency's current independent living program efforts; a summary of problems and barriers to successful independent living program implementation; expected results and outcomes of the program; and current and projected expenditures for independent living programs, including title IV-E-IL funds (Section 477(c)).
  3. Maintenance of Effort. A description of how the title IV-E-IL funds will supplement IV-E foster care funds available for maintenance payments and administrative and training costs and other State funds available for independent living activities and services. This includes a description of planned shifts in staffing, resources and expenditures (Section 477(e)(3)).
  4. Assurances. The State must assure that:

    1. the program will be operated in an effective and efficient manner (Section 477(c));
    2. funds shall be used only for the specific purposes described in section 477 (Section 477(f)(1));
    3. payments made and services provided shall not be considered as income or resources for purposes of determining eligibility of participants for aid under the State's title IV-A or title IV-E plan or for determining the level of such aid (Section 477(h));
    4. the case plan for each child in foster care age 16 or over, where appropriate, will include a written description of the programs and services which will help the child prepare for transition from foster care to independent living (Section 475(1), as amended);
    5. payments to the State shall be used for conducting the activities and providing the services required to carry out the programs directly or under contracts with local governmental entities or private non-profit organizations (Section 477(b));
    6. grant funds will supplement and not replace any other funds which may be available for the same general purposes (Section 477(e)(3)); and
    7. the grants will be used in accordance with the requirements applicable to other Departmental grants to State and local agencies, including the regulations at 45 CFR Part 74 and OMB Circulars A-87 and A-102. Application Submittal: A State must submit an original and one copy of the application to:

      Administration for Children,
      Youth and Families
      P. O. Box 1182
      Washington, D.C. 20013
      Attn: Program Operations Division
      Children's Bureau

      Concurrently, a copy should be sent to the appropriate HDS Regional Administrator. A current listing of the HDS Regional Administrators and their addresses is attached with ACYF-PI-87-01. The deadline date for receipt of all applications is December 31, 1987. Applications shall be considered if they are either:

      1. received on or before the deadline date of December 31, 1987, or
      2. sent on or before the deadline date of December 31, 1987 (as evidenced by a legibly dated U.S. Postal Service postmark or a legibly dated receipt from a commercial carrier or U.S. Postal Service), and received in time for the review and award process. Reallotment of Funds: Some States may not use the title IV-E-IL funds allotted to them for FY 1988, either because they do not apply for funds or because the application does not meet all of the requirements of section 477 of the Act or this Program Instruction. Failure of a State to apply for up to its share of the $45 million or to meet the application requirements prior to January 1, 1988, will be considered equivalent to certification that the funds will not be required by the State during FY 1988. The tentative FY 1988 allotment for each State will be the same as the FY 1987 allotment.

        There will be no further opportunity to apply for these funds during FY 1988. These funds will then be available for reallotment to other States on the basis of the formula for allotting funds to the eligible States (Section 477(e)(1)(2)). The funds awarded in FY 1988 must be obligated and expended by September 30, 1989. Thus, the State may obligate the funds after September 30, 1988, so long as they obligate and expend them by September 30, 1989 (Section 477(f)(3)). Reporting Requirements: Fiscal Reports. Expenditures under the Independent Living Program shall be reported by States quarterly on a Standard Form 269, Financial Status Report, and mailed to:

        Administration for Children, Youth and Families
        P. O. Box 1182
        Washington, D. C. 20013
        Attn: Formula Grants Branch
        Management Support Division

        A copy of the Standard Form 269 should also be sent to the appropriate HDS Regional Administrator. Program Reports. Not later than March 1, 1989, the State must submit a Program Report covering its FY 1988 program and activities. The Report should also include information about FY 1987 activities not covered in the State's FY 1987 Report. This Report shall be mailed to:

        Commissioner, Administration for Children, Youth and Families
        P. O. Box 1182
        Washington, D. C. 20013.
        Attn: Program Operations Division
        Children's Bureau

        A copy of the Program Report should also be sent to the appropriate HDS Regional Administrator. The Report must contain the following information:

        1. an accurate description of the independent living activities conducted and the services provided, including: programs modified or newly established and the current status of implementation, e.g., counseling, tutoring, basic living skills; and coordinating activities undertaken by the title IV-E agency with other community agencies and the services provided by such agencies in achieving the purposes of the independent living program (Section 477(g)(1)(A));
        2. a statement, if appropriate, explaining how the title IV-E Independent Living funded programs have been incorporated into a comprehensive State program of services to this age group of children in foster care and what those services are;
        3. a complete record of the purposes for which the funds were spent (Section 477(g)(1)(A));
        4. a statement regarding the extent to which the funds assisted title IV-E eligible youth (16 or over) in making the transition from foster care to independent living (Section 477(g)(1)(A)); and
        5. additional information for use by the Secretary in assessing and evaluating the findings and achievements of the State's Independent Living programs, developing comprehensive information and data on the basis of which decisions can be made with respect to the future of such programs, and in providing information and recommendations to Congress (Section 477(g)(2)):

          1. a detailed description of the number and specific characteristics of the eligible population and of the individuals served, e.g., age, sex, race/ethnicity, current living arrangement, special needs status, marital and parental status, and duration of foster care;
          2. a statement of results achieved 90 days after participants completed the program, e.g., number of youth who are employed; who have completed high school or GED program; who have obtained housing and other community services; and who are living independent of agency maintenance programs; and
          3. recommendations for program modifications and other recommendations.

EFFECTIVE DATE:   Effective upon issuance.

INQUIRIES TO: Regional Administrators, OHDS Regions I - X
  Children's Bureau, ACYF
Program Operations Division
(202) 755-7447
  Dodie Livingston

Attachment A-   Regional Administrators Office Of Human Development Services