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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children


Return to: FY 2002 Annual Statistical Report

Financial and Statistical Terms

Program Collections

Table 4 - Total Distributed Collections (Form OCSE-34A, line 8)

Total amount of collections distributed during the year on behalf of both TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) and non-TANF families. Total collections are calculated as the sums of Current IV-A Assistance, Current IV-E Assistance, Former Assistance and Never Assistance.

Table 6 - Distributed TANF/Foster Care Collections (formerly Form OCSE-34, line 14(a+c); beginning in FY 1999, Form OCSE-34A, line 8(A+B) + line 7aC)

The portion of total collections received on behalf of families receiving assistance under the TANF program plus children placed in foster care facilities. These collections are divided between the state and Federal governments to reimburse their respective shares of either Title IV-A assistance payments or Title IV-E Foster Care maintenance payments.

Table 9 - Distributed Non-TANF Collections (formerly Form OCSE-34, line 14b; beginning in FY 1999, Form OCSE-34A, lines 7bC + 7cC + 8D)

The portion of total collections received on behalf of families not receiving assistance under the TANF/Foster Care programs and distributed to those families during the year.

Federal and State Share of Collections

Table 10 - Federal Share of TANF/Foster Care Collections (formerly Form OCSE-34, line 18(a+c); beginning in FY 1999, Form OCSE-34A, line 12a + line 10B; in FY 2002, line 10)

The portion of child support collections used to reimburse the Federal government for its share of past assistance payments under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act or foster care maintenance payments, before the payment of incentive payments.

Table 11 - State Share of TANF/Foster Care Collections (Form OCSE-34A, line 7aE minus lines (10B + 11E + 12aE))

Collections that will be divided between the state and Federal governments to reimburse their respective shares of either Title IV-A assistance payments or Title IV-E Foster Care maintenance payments.

Undistributed Collections

Table 12 - Net Undistributed Collections (Form OCSE-34A, line 9bE 4th quarter)

The amount of collections that remain available for distribution in a future quarter.

Table 15 - Collections Forwarded to Non-IV-D Cases (Form OCSE-34A, line 4E)

Those collections received through income withholding and processed through the State Disbursement Unit on behalf of Non-IV-D cases that were forwarded to the custodial parent during the quarter.

Payments to Families

Table 17 - Payments to Families (Form OCSE-34A, line 7cE)

The collections that are distributed either to the family or to the foster care agency to be used on the child’s behalf.

Table 18 - TANF/Foster Care Payments to Families (Form OCSE-34A, line 7c(A+B))

The total amount of collections that are distributed either to the family or to the foster care agency to be used on the child’s behalf.


Interstate Activity

Table 19 - Interstate - Collections Forwarded to Other States (Form OCSE-34A, line 5E)

Amounts received in response to a request for assistance from another state and forwarded during the quarter to that state for distribution, including interstate case and AEI collections.


Table 21 - Cost Effectiveness Ratio Per CSPIA (Form OCSE-34A, lines 5+8+13 divided by Form OCSE-396A, line 9(A+C) minus 1b(A+C))

The total of collections forwarded to other states, plus total collections distributed, plus fees retained by other states divided by total current quarter claims and total prior quarter adjustments minus Non IV-D cost.

Table 22 – Traditional Cost-Effectiveness Ratio: Child Support Collections Per Dollar of Total Administrative Expenditures (formerly Form OCSE-34, line 14(a+b+c) divided by Form OCSE-131, line 4(a+b+c); beginning in FY 1999, Form OCSE-34A, line 8E divided by Form OCSE-396A, Part 1, line 9(a+c))

Total amount of collections distributed during the year divided by total amount of administrative expenditures.


Tables 23 and 24 - Incentive Payment Estimates and Actuals (formerly Form OCSE-34, line 17(a+b); beginning in FY 1999, Form OCSE-34A, line 11E)

The amount of money states earn for running an efficient child support program. This amount is estimated prior to the start of the fiscal year and is reported by the state on a quarterly basis. Actual incentive amounts are computed after the end of the fiscal year and appropriate adjustments are made in state grant awards.

Medical Support

Table 25 - Medical Support Payments to Families (formerly Form OCSE-34, line 12(a+c); beginning in FY 1999, Form OCSE-34A, line 7bE)

The portion of any collection that corresponds to any amount specifically designated in a support order for medical support. To the extent that medical support has been assigned to the state, medical support collections should be forwarded to the Medicaid agency for distribution in accordance with current regulations. Otherwise, the amount should be forwarded to the family.

Program Expenditures

Table 28 - Administrative Expenditures (formerly Form OCSE-131, line 4(a+b); beginning in FY 1999, Form OCSE-396A, line 9(A+C))

Total amount of expenditures eligible for Federal funding that is claimed by the state during the year for the administration of the Child Support Enforcement program. Including all amounts claimed during the year, whether expended during the current or a previous fiscal year. The amounts being reported have been reduced by the amount of program income (fees and costs recovered in excess of fees and interest earned and other program income) received by the states.

Table 29 - Federal Share of Administrative Expenditures (Form OCSE-396A, line 9(B+D))

Net Federal Share of current quarter claims plus prior quarter adjustments.

Table 30 - State Share of Administrative Expenditures (Form OCSE-396A, line 16(B+D) minus line 11B)

Total share of current quarter claims plus prior quarter adjustments minus Federal share of current quarter claims plus Federal share of prior quarter adjustments.

Table 31 - Non-IV-D Costs (Form OCSE-396A, line 1b(A+C))

The amount of administrative expenditures attributable to the collecting, entering, maintaining and processing information relative to Non-IV-D child support cases in the State Case Registry and to the processing of Non-IV-D child support collections through the State Disbursement Unit. Non-IV-D cases are those for which there is no assignment of support rights to the state or where the state has not received an application for Title IV-D services.

Functional Costs

Table 32 - ADP Expenditures (formerly Form OCSE-396A, lines 4, 5, 6, and 7; beginning in FY 2000, Form OCSE-396A, lines 4, 5, and 6)

Expenditures made in accordance with the terms of an approved ADP for the planning, design, development, implementation, enhancement or operation of an automated Statewide Child Support Enforcement System (CSES).

Table 34 - Expenditures for Laboratory Tests for Paternity Establishment (Form OCSE-396A, line 8(A+C)

The amount expended for laboratory costs associated with the process of determining paternity. This amount is the "net" amount of expenditures, reduced by any fees collected by the state to recoup the cost of these services.

Program Savings/Costs

Table 37 - Total Program Costs (Form OCSE-34A, line 7a minus OCSE-396A, line 9(A+C))

Collections that will be divided between the state and Federal governments to reimburse their respective shares of either Title IV-A assistance payments or Title IV-E Foster Care maintenance payments minus total amount of current quarter administrative expenditure and prior quarter adjustment of administrative expenditure.

Cases and Caseloads

Table 40 - Caseload by Current, Former, and Never Assistance (Form OCSE-157, lines 1 and 3)

The number of IV-D cases open on the last day of the fiscal year, including the number of open cases at the end of the fiscal year as a result of requests for assistance received from other states.

Table 41 - Cases Open by Current, Former, and Never Assistance (Form OCSE-157, line 1)

The total number of IV-D cases open on the last day of the fiscal year. Included are cases open at the end of the fiscal year as a result of requests for assistance received from other states, as well as cases open in your state that you have referred to another state.

Table 42 - Cases with No Jurisdiction by Current, Former, and Never Assistance (Form OCSE-157, line 3)

The number of open cases on the last day of the fiscal year over which the state has no jurisdiction.

Orders Established

Table 45 - Cases with Orders Established by Current, Former, and Never Assistance (Form OCSE-157, line 2)

The number of IV-D cases open on the last day of the fiscal year that have support orders established. Included are cases with orders entered prior to the case becoming a IV-D case, as well as, cases with orders established by the IV-D agency. Judgments for arrears, regardless of whether there is a payment schedule or an order for ongoing support are also included. Also included are all interstate cases--both cases sent to and received from other states.


Table 46- Total Number of Paternities Established or Acknowledged (Form OCSE-157, lines 10a and 16(b+c+d))

The number of children born out of wedlock in the reporting state for whom paternity has been acknowledged during the fiscal year. Included are children with paternity acknowledged through the state’s voluntary in-hospital acknowledgment program and other acknowledgment processes. Also reported is the number of children in cases in the IV-D caseload for whom paternity was established or acknowledged during the fiscal year.

Table 47 - Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity was Established or Acknowledged During the Fiscal Year (Form OCSE-157, line 16(b+c+d))

The number of children in cases in the IV-D caseload for whom paternity was established or acknowledged during the fiscal year. A paternity established or acknowledged prior to a case’s referral to IV-D is not to be counted in this item.

Table 48 - Children in the State with Paternity Acknowledged During the Fiscal Year (Form OCSE-157, line 10a)

The number of children born out of wedlock in the reporting state for whom paternity has been acknowledged during the fiscal year. This includes acknowledgments after genetic testing, but before adjudication, if applicable. Also included are children with paternity acknowledged through the state’s voluntary in-hospital acknowledgment program and other acknowledgment processes.

Table 49 - Paternity Establishment (Form OCSE-157, lines 5, 6, 8 and 9)

The number of children in the IV-D caseload in cases open at the end of the fiscal year who were born out of wedlock. Also the number of children born out of wedlock in the IV-D caseload in cases open at the end of the fiscal year who have paternity established or acknowledged.

The total number of children who were born out of wedlock in the state during the fiscal year. Also included is the number of minor children who were born out of wedlock in the state for whom paternity has been established or acknowledged during the fiscal year.

Services Provided

Table 50 - IV-A Cases Closed Where a Child Support Payment was Received (formerly Form OCSE-156, line 5a; beginning in FY 1999, Form OCSE-157, line 14)

Includes all cases terminated from TANF during the fiscal year in which there was any child support collection in the month of termination.

Table 51 - Number of Support Orders Established During the Fiscal Year by Current, Former, and Never Assistance (Form OCSE-157, line 17)

The number of cases in which support orders were established by the IV-D agency during the fiscal year. Includes support orders established for medical support or health insurance.

Table 52 - Number of CSE Cases in Which a Collection was Made on an Obligation by Current, Former, and Never Assistance (Form OCSE-157, line 18)

The number of cases for which one or more collections were made during the fiscal year. Included are cases where no support order is established but a voluntary payment was made.

Table 54 - Cases Sent to Another State (Form OCSE-157, line 19)

The number of interstate cases the reporting state sent to other states during the fiscal year. Includes cases submitted for location, establishment of paternity or support order, enforcement of support, or any other IV-D activity.

Table 55 - Cases Received from Another State (Form OCSE-157, line 20)

The number of interstate cases received from another state during the fiscal year.

Services Required

Table 56 - Cases Requiring Services to Establish an Order by Current, Former, and Never Assistance (Form OCSE-157, line 12(b+c+d))

Total number of IV-D cases open at the end of the fiscal year that need services to establish a support order

Table 57 - Children Requiring Paternity Determination Services by Current, Former, and Never Assistance (Form OCSE-157, line 13)

The number of children in cases that are open at the end of the fiscal year who required paternity establishment. This includes all children whose paternity has not been established and children in the process of having paternity established. If there is more than one putative father for a child, this child is only counted once.


Table 58 - Full Time Equivalent Staff (Form OCSE-157, lines 30, 31 and 32)

The total number of FTE staff employed by the state and local IV-D agencies.

The total number of FTE staff employed by an agency (public or private) working under a cooperative agreement with the IV-D agency.

The total number of FTE staff employed by privatized IV-D agencies.

Current Support

Table 60 - Amount of Current Support Due (Form OCSE-157, line 24)

The total amount of current support by current, former and never assistance for the fiscal year for all IV-D cases. Includes total voluntary collections.

Table 61 - Amount of Support Distributed as Current Support (Form OCSE-157, line 25)

The total amount of support distributed as current support during the fiscal year for all IV-D cases. Voluntary payments are considered current support and should be included even though there is no order to require payment.


Table 62 - Amount of Arrearages Due (Form OCSE-157, line 26)

The total amount of arrears due and unpaid as of the end of the fiscal year for all fiscal years, including the fiscal year covered by the report. Interest and penalties on arrearages may be included.

Table 63 - Total Amount of Support Distributed as Arrears (Form OCSE-157, line 27)

The total amount of support distributed this fiscal year as arrearages. This amount includes judgments ordered and paid this fiscal year for prior year support.

Table 65 - Cases with Arrears Due and Paying Towards Arrears (Form OCSE-157, lines 28 and 29)

The number of cases with arrears due during the fiscal year, including cases closed during the fiscal year with arrearages.

The number of cases that made at least one payment toward arrears during the fiscal year and the total number of IV-D cases in which payments of past-due child support were received during the fiscal year. Part or all of the payments were distributed to the family to which the past-due child support was owed.

Non-Cooperation and Good Cause

Tables 66 and 67 - Cases with Determination of Non-Cooperation and Good Cause Determinations (Form OCSE-157, lines 38 and 39)

The number of IV-D TANF cases open at the end of the fiscal year in which a determination was made that the custodial parent refused to cooperate with state agencies in identifying and locating the non-custodial parent.

The number of cases open during the fiscal year in which it was determined by the state that the custodial parent has a good cause for refusing to cooperate with state agencies in identifying and locating the non-custodial parent.


Tables 68 and 69 - Children with Paternity Resolved and Total Number of Children (Form OCSE-157, lines 4 and 7)

The number of children in the IV-D caseload in cases open at the end of the fiscal year. This includes those children who are under age 18.

The number of children in the IV-D caseload open at the end of the fiscal year with paternity resolved. Include all children born within a marriage, legitimized by marriage or adoption and children with paternity established or acknowledged.

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