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Laws and policies relevant to sustaining fishing communities

In examining fishing-dependent communities with respect to proposed changes in regulations there are a number of laws and policies to which NMFS and the Councils must adhere. This page provides links or downloadable versions of the relevant laws and policies governing fisheries managers with respect to fishing-dependent communities. We provide these links as a service to those seeking to better understand the requirements and needs of communities research.

A summary of major laws implemented by NOAA Fisheries

Administrative Procedures Act

Data Quality Act

Endangered Species Act

Executive Order 12866

  • OMB Regulatory Policy -- text of the Executive Order, Best Practices Guidelines, and more...
  • Guidelines and Discount Rates for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Federal Programs (OMB Circular A-94, revised 1992) Includes current update of Appendix C, revised in January of each year..

Executive Order 12898

Executive Order 13083

The Fishermen's Protective Act (Pelly Amendment)

Lacey Act

Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act

Marine Mammal Protection Act

Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act


NMFS Strategic Plan


Paperwork Reduction Act

Regulatory Flexibility Act

Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Act

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