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Quarterly Table Reporting Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Motor-Vehicle Crashes

The following table reports alcohol involvement in fatal motor-vehicle crashes in the United States for October-December 1992. This table, published quarterly in MMWR, focuses attention on the impact of alcohol use on highway safety.

A fatal crash is considered alcohol-related by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) if either a driver or nonoccupant (e.g., pedestrian) had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of greater than or equal to 0.01 g/dL in a police-reported traffic crash. Those with a BAC greater than or equal to 0.10 g/dL (the legal level of intoxication in most states) are considered intoxicated. Because BACs are not available for all persons in fatal crashes, NHTSA estimates the number of alcohol-related traffic fatalities based on a discriminant analysis of information from all cases for which driver or nonoccupant BAC data are available. There may be seasonal trends associated with these data.

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Estimated number and percentage of total traffic fatalities * and drivers involved in
fatal crashes, by age and blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level -- United States,
October-December, 1992
                                           Fatalities, by BAC +
                          BAC=0.00 g/dL    BAC=0.01-0.09 g/dL   BAC >=0.10 g/dL
Age group      No.       ---------------   ------------------   ---------------
  (yrs)    fatalities &   No.      (%)        No.     (%)         No.     (%)
 0-14           579        438    (75.7)       44    ( 7.6)        97    (16.7)
15-20         1,512        902    (59.7)      192    (12.7)       418    (27.7)
21-24         1,119        451    (40.3)      136    (12.2)       532    (47.5)
25-34         1,958        781    (39.9)      175    ( 8.9)     1,002    (51.2)
35-64         3,299      1,733    (52.5)      248    ( 7.5)     1,318    (40.0)
 >=65         1,861      1,537    (82.6)      106    ( 5.7)       218    (11.7)

Total        10,328      5,842    (56.6)      901    ( 8.7)     3,584    (34.7)
                                           Drivers, @ by BAC **
                          BAC=0.00 g/dL    BAC=0.01-0.09 g/dL   BAC >=0.10 g/dL
Age group                ---------------   ------------------   ---------------
  (yrs)    No. drivers &  No.      (%)        No.     (%)         No.     (%)
 0-14 ++         34         28    (81.5)        4    (10.5)         3    ( 8.0)
15-20         1,907      1,452    (76.1)      162    ( 8.5)       293    (15.4)
21-24         1,710      1,043    (61.0)      163    ( 9.5)       504    (29.4)
25-34         3,396      2,206    (64.9)      230    ( 6.8)       960    (28.3)
35-64         5,161      3,993    (77.4)      242    ( 4.7)       926    (17.9)
 >=65         1,489      1,371    (92.0)       34    ( 2.3)        84    ( 5.7)

Total        13,697     10,093    (73.7)      835    ( 6.1)     2,770    (20.2)
 * Fatalities include all occupants and nonoccupants who died within 30 days of a
   motor-vehicle crash on a public roadway.
 + BAC distributions are estimates for drivers and nonoccupants involved in fatal crashes.
   Numbers of fatalities are rounded to the nearest whole number.
 & Includes only those for whom age is known.
 @ Driver may or may not have been killed.
** BAC distributions are estimates for drivers involved in fatal crashes. Numbers of drivers
   are rounded to the nearest whole number.
++ Although usually too young to drive legally, persons in this age group are included for
   completeness of the data set.

Source: Fatal Accident Reporting System, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Safer, Healthier People

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd, MailStop E-90, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A


Department of Health
and Human Services

This page last reviewed 5/2/01