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I'm Reading the Real Estate Section of the Newspaper

M4/7 English Lesson NDE 9D-4 - Download audio clip

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New Dynamic English, NDE 9D-4

Saly:   Lao Opening

NDE   Opening



Question of the Week (answer):      What can’t you buy?


Larry:      Question of the Week!


Saly:      Explanations about  this "Questions of the Week"

                What can’t you buy?



                          a magazine       Lao translation      




Max:      Well, Kathy, it’s Question of the Week time again.


                  Are you ready?


Kathy:        I certainly am!


Max:      Okay, Kathy. 


                  This week, I’m going to talk about some places and ask you what you can’t buy there.


Kathy:      Sounds like fun!


Max:          All right...first question:  What can’t you buy at a fast food restaurant?


                  Hamburgers..., stamps... or French fries?


Kathy:      What can’t I buy at a fast food restaurant...a hamburger, stamps or French fries?


                   Well, of course, I can’t buy stamps at a fast food restaurant.


Max:      Excellent answer, Kathy.


                  You can’t buy stamps at a fast food restaurant.


                  You buy stamps at a post office.


                  Okay, second question:  What can’t you buy at a post office:  stamps, envelopes or shirts?


Kathy:        At a post office?  Stamps...., envelopes.... or shirts?


                   Shirts!  I can’t buy a shirt at a post office!


Max:      Great, Kathy!  You can’t buy shirts at a post office.


                  Question number three:  What can’t you buy at a clothing store:  shirts, French fries or dresses?


Kathy:        At a clothing store?  Shirts, French fries, or dresses?


                  Everyone knows  you can’t buy French fries at a clothing store.


Max:          Are you sure about that, Kathy?


Kathy:        Of course, I’m sure!


Max:      Well, you’re right again, Kathy.  You can’t buy French fries at a clothing store.


                  Once again, you’ve done very well.


Kathy:      Thanks, Max.  I had fun. 






Larry:        A Question for You


 Saly:      A Question for You in Lao.




Max:      Now here’s a question for you.


Larry:      Listen for the bell, then say your answer.


Saly:      Instructions in Lao


 Max:         In your country, do people like to travel in motorhomes?



(pause for answer)


Max:      Unh hunh.  Okay!





Saly:       Brief explanations in Lao about the following part.     


Story Interlude:            Househunting


Larry:      OK... and we’re off the air.


SFX:      show ending sounds and music, followed by newspaper rustling


Kathy:      (VO) Hmmm…….Oh, wow.


Max:      What are you reading, Kathy?


Kathy:        I’m reading the Real Estate section of the newspaper.


                  I’m looking at the houses for sale.


Max:      You’re thinking about buying a house?


Kathy:      Well, sort of.


                  Right now I’m just looking.


Max:          See anything interesting?


Kathy:      Yes, here’s a beautiful house.


                  It’s my dream home.


                  Look at this picture!


Max:      Mmm, yes. That’s a beautiful old home.


                  Four bedrooms.  And it’s close to Washington.


                  It’s probably  expensive.


Kathy:      Yes.  Look at the price.


Max:      (surprised) Wow.  That is expensive!


Kathy:      Yes.  It really is just a dream.


Saly:        Overview about this story interlude


SFX:            Elizabeth entering





Eliz:    Hi, Max, Kathy.  Hello, Larry....




 Saly:        Lao Closing.


NDE        Closing



Kathy:      Well, our time is up.  So until next time...


                  This is Kathy.


Max:      And this is Max.


Kathy:      Good luck in your English studies!


Kathy and Max:      Good-bye.

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