The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 12, 2001

Nominations Sent to the Senate

Eric M. Bost, of Texas, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Commodity Credit Corporation, vice Shirley Robinson Watkins, resigned.

Michael L. Dominguez, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, vice Ruby Butler DeMesme.

Thomas C. Dorr, of Iowa, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Commodity Credit Corporation, vice Jill L. Long, resigned.

Mario P. Fiori, of Georgia, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Army, vice Mahlon Apgar, IV.

Nelson F. Gibbs, of California, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, vice Keith R. Hall.

William T. Hawks, of Mississippi, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Commodity Credit Corporation, vice Michael V. Dunn, resigned.

Hans H. Hertell, of Puerto Rico, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Dominican Republic.

Joseph J. Jen, of California, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Commodity Credit Corporation, vice Keith C. Kelly, resigned.

Robert Geers Loftis, of Colorado, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Kingdom of Lesotho.

James R. Moseley, of Indiana, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Commodity Credit Corporation, vice Richard E. Rominger, resigned.

J. B. Penn, of Arkansas, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Commodity Credit Corporation, vice August Schumacher, Jr., resigned.

Mark Edward Rey, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Commodity Credit Corporation, vice Karl N. Stauber.

Ronald M. Sega, of Colorado, to be Director of Defense Research and Engineering, vice Hans Mark, resigned.

Craig Roberts Stapleton, of Connecticut, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Czech Republic.

John P. Stenbit, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense, vice Arthur L. Money.

Mauricio J. Tamargo, of Florida, to be Chairman of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States a term expiring September 30, 2003, vice John R. Lacey.

Otto Wolff, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce, vice Linda J. Bilmes, resigned.

Otto Wolff, of Virginia, to be Chief Financial Officer, Department of Commerce, vice Linda J. Bilmes, resigned.

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