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Program for Cooperative Cataloging

Guidelines/Responsibilities of the Standing Committee Chairs

Approved by PoCo November 2002
  1. Membership
    1. Appointment of Standing Committee members are made "at will" at the discretion of the Chair, with a view to limiting the members of each committee to roughly ten, and to maintaining continuity of membership and diversity. Not all committee members must belong to a PCC member institution, but it is strongly encouraged.
      1. New members are announced to the PCC Policy Committee (PoCo) as a courtesy (it is not necessary to secure approval)
      2. Notification should be sent to the Cooperative Cataloging Team in order that the StCo roster is updated (include e-mail, telephone, fax,etc.)
    2. Task Groups (TGs): including charges, time-lines and membership, approval process, interim and final reports (and approval process for these):
      1. All Task Groups must be approved by the PoCo;send a message with the TG name, charge, timeline, membership, and name (if possible) of the chair first to the PoCo listserv and upon approval send same or updated message to the Cooperative Cataloging Team for posting to the web. While members appointed to the TG need not belong to a PCC institution,the Chair must belong to a PCC institution in good standing.
      2. Maintain overview of the work of each TG and monitor each TG status for reporting to the PCC Steering Committee (SC) or to PoCo on a quarterly and annual basis. (cf. Guidelines and Responsibilities of PCC Task Groups)
  2. Succession of Standing Committee Chair
    1. A list of possible or potential successor(s) should be sent to the PCC Chair and to the Steering Committee before ALA Annual in final year of tenure. Recommendation of an individual to succeed may be made. The SC approves recommendation and will seek ratification from the PoCo, or may solicit other names from the PoCo. The potential successor need not be a actual member of the StCo but must from a PCC member institution. Send name with e-mail, etc. to the Cooperative Cataloging Team for posting to the Web roster.
  3. Responsibilities:
    The responsibilities of the Chair of a PCC Standing Committee are generally outlined in the PCC Governance Document:
    a. Meetings: PCC StCo Chairs are expected to:
    1. Chair their respective Standing Committee meeting at each ALA; notify Coop Team of time and place for online PCC Calendar
    2. Attend, report at, and participate in the PCC Participants' Meeting at each ALA
    3. Attend, report at, and participate in the PCC Operations Committee (OpCo) meetings (held annually in May)
    4. Attend, report at, and participate in the PoCo meeting (annually held in November)
      Preparation for and role at PoCo and OpCo meetings includes contributing to the agenda; familiarity with the documents, preparing report of activities,concerns, budget needs, etc. Chairs are expected to represent the point of view of the StCo and to contribute to the discussion based on their expertise and experience.
    5. Travel expenses --> PCC subsidizes attendance at the OpCo meeting (cf. PCC funding structure).
    6. Consult the PCC Calendar for other possible meetings of interst

    b. Communications: includes working with others, e.g., other StCo chairs, utilities, and vendors as well as the BIBCO and CONSER coordinators. The PCC StCo Chairs are expected to work with and send to the PCC Secretatiat:

    1. Quarterly and Annual reports that should include information as to:
    2. What TGs are active, update on activities; need for new TGs, etc.
    3. What steps should be taken to implement TG recommendations.
    4. What future responsibilities to anticipate (e.g., currently LC Action Plan)
    5. Status of assigned items from PCC tactical plan
    6. Agenda items for upcoming PoCo/OpCo meetings and/or agendas of upcoming StCo meeting.
    7. Budget requests
    8. Annual report are due in September and should include status of all TG activity, accomplishments, ongoing tasks, etc.

    c. How should communication be handled?

    Generally, via email or by phone. For informational purposes and continuity it is also recommended that phone calls be followed by e-mail confirmation and that copies of correspondence to the Secretariat or PCC Chair relating to PCC business be routinely sent to the Cooperative Cataloging Team Leader.
  4. What other support can StCo Chairs expect?
    Chair should work with the PCC Secretariat to write letters thanking members of TGs as these complete their charge; arrange for certificates of appreciation, etc. The CONSER and BIBCO coordinators funnel cataloging concerns to CPSO and will represent the StCos at the Steering Committee meetings.
  5. PCC Listservs: To subscribe or to report maintenance, etc. contact the Coop Team Leader
    1. PCCLIST (Open)
    2. PCCPOL
    3. BIBCO
    4. SACO
  6. Standing Committee home pages on PCC web site: send items for addition, deletion, corrections, etc. to Coop Team Leader and generally keep up-to-date on:
    1. Task Groups (reports and rosters)
    2. Membership roster
    3. Reports and Notes (ALA meetings, Quaterly, Annual)
      1. It is not necessary to post the ALA meeting notes, but a summary of this activity must be included in the StCo quarterly reports.
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  January 3, 2008
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