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Total Summary Statistics (.PDF version available)

FY04 (October 1, 2003--September 31, 2004)
Category FY
FY 2003 FY 2004
as % of FY2003
Total PCC to date
Bibliographic Records (BIBCO) 7,1661 74,793 96% 657,219
Bibliographic Record Changes 4,824 7,043 68% 104,855
New Name Authority Records (NACO) 146,645 167,163 88% 2,160,126
New Series Authority Records (NACO) 9,453 9,324 101% 108,112
Changed Names (NACO)** 39,133 48,7190 80% **
Changed Series (NACO)** 1,886 2,373 79% **
Total Changed NARs/SARs (NACO) 41,019 51,083 80% 529,894
New Subject Headings (SACO) 2,558 3,509 73% 30,875
Subject Heading Changes (SACO) 586 420 140% 7,260
New Class Numbers (SACO) 1,715 1,763 97% 15,012
Class Number Changes (SACO) 9 2 450% 585
Authentications (1) (CONSER) 27,584 22,342 123% 1,011,885
Maintenance (CONSER) 43,224 36,747 118% n/a
**Prior to FY98, these figures were not reported separately; (1) Authentications include CONSER authentications of original records, and existing unauthenticated records at full, core, and MLC levels.
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  January 3, 2008
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