Single Claim for DART Royalty Fees Collected During 2008

In accordance with Chapter 10 of the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 1001 et seq., and Part 360 of the Copyright Royalty Board regulations, 37 CFR §§ 360.20—360.25, the claimant named herein files with the Copyright Royalty Board a claim to royalty payments for digital audio recording devices and digital audio recording media, collected during the period January 1 through December 31, 2008. (Read more details.)

Please provide the requested information for each item.

Claimant & Filer

Please indicate filer's status:

Interested Copyright Party

Authorized Representative of Interested Copyright Party

Email address (if any) of person filing the claim:
2. Name of the person or entity claiming royalty payments:  If the interested copyright party is the same person or entity identified in number 1, please enter “SAME.”
Address of the person or entity claiming royalty payments. If the address is the same as that of the person or entity identified in item 1, please enter “SAME.”

Claim Information
Sound Recordings Fund
Copyright Owners Subfund.  Also select statement A or D(i) below in item 4, whichever is more applicable.
Featured Artists Subfund.  Also select statement C or D(i) below in item 4, whichever is more applicable.
Musical Works Fund
Writers Subfund.  Also select statement B, D(i), or D(ii) below in item 4, whichever is more applicable.
Publishers Subfund.  Also select statement B, D(i), or D(ii) below in item 4, whichever is more applicable.
If the claimant is an interested copyright party under more than one definition, select the most appropriate definition that corresponds to the subfund selected in item 3 (above). Check only one statement below.
(A) Claimant is the owner of the exclusive right under section 106(1) of the Copyright Act to reproduce a sound recording of a musical work that has been embodied in a digital or analog musical recording lawfully made under the Copyright Act that has been distributed (see 17 U.S.C. § 1001(7)(A))
(B) Claimant is the legal or beneficial owner of, or the person who controls, the right to reproduce in a digital or analog musical recording a musical work that has been embodied in a digital or analog musical recording lawfully made under the Copyright Act that has been distributed (see 17 U.S.C. § 1001(7)(B))
(C) Claimant is a featured recording artist who performs on a sound recording that has been distributed (see 17 U.S.C. § 1001(7)(C))
(D) Claimant is an association or other organization (make your selection below):
(D) Claimant is an association or other organization (make your selection below):
(D) Claimant is an association or other organization (make your selection below):
(i) representing persons specified in subparagraph (A),(B), or (C) above (see 17 U.S.C. § 1001(7)(D)(i))
(i) representing persons specified in subparagraph (A),(B), or (C) above (see 17 U.S.C. § 1001(7)(D)(i))
(i) representing persons specified in subparagraph (A),(B), or (C) above (see 17 U.S.C. § 1001(7)(D)(i))
(ii) engaged in licensing rights in musical works to music users on behalf of writers and publishers (see 17 U.S.C. § 1001(7)(D)(ii))

5. Identify at least one musical work or sound recording of claimant on whose behalf this claim is filed embodied in a digital or an analog musical recording lawfully made under the Copyright Act that has been distributed or disseminated to the public in transmissions between January 1 and December 31, 2008:

Contact Person
This person must be the Interested Copyright Party (see number4 for definition), an authorized representative of the Interested Copyright Party, or a designee of either. Name:
The person filing this claim declares under penalty of law that he/she is the interested copyright party or a representative of that party authorized to file this claim and further declares that all statements contained herein are true, complete, and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge, information, and belief, and are made in good faith. [18 U.S.C. § 1001 ]

Submission of Claim

Clicking “Submit Claim” will file your claim with the Copyright Royalty Board and will take you to the next screen, which will display a printable confirmation page showing the information you entered.

You will also receive an email confirmation of your submission.


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