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ID W-1-68-MX
Also Known As TipTow
Abstract Chief Scientists: Bill Normark, Fred Spiess. Geophysical data (4khz, airgun, 12khz) of field activity W-1-68-MX in Baja, Mexico from 05/03/1968 to 11/15/1968
Project/Theme TipTow
Chief Scientist Bill Normark
Fred Spiess
Activity Type Geophysical
Platform Thomas Washington
Area of Operation
Baja, Mexico
Location map W-1-68-MX location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 32.75000
-117.75000     -98.25000
Dates 05/03/1968 (JD 124) to 11/15/1968 (JD 320)
Analog Materials list
Index map

W-1-68-MX map of where navigation equipment operated

Bill Normark Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
Fred Spiess Chief Scientist
Equipment Used
Normark, William R., and Curray, Joseph R., 1968, Geology and structure of the
tip of Baja California, Mexico: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 79, no. 11, p. 1589-1600.

Normark, W.R., Loughridge, Michael S., and Spiess, F.N., 1968, Detailed channel
morphology of the La Jolla submarine fan valley: American Geophysical Union
Transactions, v. 49, no. 1, p. 212.

Normark, W.R., and Piper, D.J.W., 1969, Deep-sea fan valleys, past and present:
Geological Society of America Abstracts Cordilleran Section, v. pt. 3, p. 49.

Normark, William R., 1969, Erosional deep sea fan valleys: Geological Society of
America Abstracts Rocky Mountain Section, v. pt. 5, p. 59.

Normark, W.R., Allison, E.C., and Curray, J.R., 1969, The geology of the Pacific
continental margin of the peninsula of Baja California: Geological Society of
America Abstracts, Annual Meeting, v. pt. 7, p. 163.

Normark, W.R., and Spiess, F.N., 1969, Active channel system of the San Lucas submarine fan at the tip of Baja California: Geological Society of America Special Paper, p. 220-221.

Normark, William Raymond, 1970, Growth patterns of deep sea fans: Ann Arbor, MI,
Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B: The Sciences and Engineering,
v. 30, no. 11, p. 5169B.

Normark, William R., 1970, Growth patterns of deep-sea fans: The American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 54, no. 11, p. 2170-2195.

Normark, William R., 1970, Growth patterns of deep-sea fans: The American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 54, no. 11, p. 2170-2195.

Normark, W.R., 1971, Transfer of lower Baja California, Mexico, from North
American to Pacific lithospheric plates: Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, v. 3, no. 2, p. 172.

Mudie, John D., Normark, William R., and Klitgord, Kim D., 1971, Some more
magnetic lineations observed near the ocean floor in the northeast Pacific and
possible implications on Gilbert geomagnetic chronology: American Geophysical
Union Eos, Transactions, v. 52, no. 4, p. 194.

Normark, William R., 1969, Growth patterns of deep-sea fans: San Diego, La
Jolla, CA, University of California, dissertation.

Normark, William R., 1970, Growth Patterns of Deep-Sea Fans: San Diego, CA,
University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Contributions, v.
40, pt. 2, no. 2, p. 1488-1513.

Normark, William R., 1971, Mini-topography of deep-sea fans; geometric
considerations for facies interpretations in turbidites, in Geologic guide
book--Newport Lagoon to San Clemente, Orange County, California: Tulsa, OK,
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section.

Klitgord, Kim D., Mudie, John D., and Normark, William R., 1972, Magnetic
Lineations Observed Near the Ocean Floor and Possible Implications on the
Geomagnetic Chronology of the Gilbert Epoch: The Geophysical Journal of the
Royal Astronomical Society, v. 28, no. 1, p. 35-48.

Normark, William R., 1972, Submarine canyons and fan-valleys; factors affecting
growth processes of deep-sea fans (abst.), in A conference on modern and ancient
geosynclinal sedimentation: Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin National
Science Foundation.

Normark, William R., 1974, Ranger Submarine Slide, Northern Sebastian Vizcaino
Bay, Baja California, Mexico: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 85, no.
5, p. 781-784.

Normark, William R., 1974, Submarine canyons and fan valleys; factors affecting
growth patterns of deep-sea fans, in Modern and Ancient Geosynclinal
Sedimentation; Submarine canyon and fan deposits: Society of Economic
Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication, v. 19, p. 56-68.

Normark, W.R., 1976, Growth patterns of deep-sea fans, in Whitaker, J.H., ed.,
Submarine canyons and deep-sea fans; modern and ancient: Stroudsburg, Pa.,
Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Inc.

Chase, T.E., Normark, W.R., and Wilde, P., 1976, Compilations of marine geologic
and oceanographic data off the West Coast of the United States: Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 8, no. 6, p. 809.

Chase, T.E., Holmes, M.L., Wilde, P., and Normark, W.R., 1977, Compilation of
marine geologic and oceanographic data off the western United States; Cascadia
Sheet: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, no. 7, p. 926.

Normark, W.R., 1977, Neogene basins and transform motion within the Pacific
continental margin of Baja California: Offshore Technology Conference, no. 9, v.
3, Preprints, p. 93-100.

Normark, W.R., Hess, G.R., and Spiess, F.N., 1978, Mapping of small scale
(outcrop-size) sedimentological features on modern submarine fans: Offshore
Technology Conference Proceedings, no. 10, v. 1, p. 593-598.

Spencer, J.E., and Normark, W.R., 1979, The Neogene Tosco-Abreojos strike-slip
fault within the Pacific margin of southern Baja California, Mexico: Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 11, no. 3, p. 129.

Spencer, J.E., and Normark, W.R., 1979, Tosco-Abreojos fault zone; a Neogene
transform plate boundary within the Pacific margin of southern Baja California,
Mexico: Boulder, CO, Geology, v. 7, no. 11, p. 554-557.

Chase, T.E., Normark, W.R., Thomas, J.A., Holmes, M.L., and Wilde, P., 1979,
Compilation of marine geologic and oceanographic data off the western United
States; southern California continental borderland: Geological Society of
America Abstracts with Programs, v. 11, no. 7, p. 400.

Hess, G.R., and Normark, W.R., 1980, Possible geometries of sandstone bodies as
reflected by geomorphic features on modern submarine fans: American Association
of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 64, no. 5, p. 722-723.

Normark, William R., Spencer, Jon E., and Ingle, James C., Jr., 1987, Geology
and Neogene history of the Pacific continental margin of Baja California Sur,
Mexico, in Scholl, David W., Grantz, Arthur, and Vedder, John G., eds., Geology
and resource potential of the continental margin of western North America and
adjacent ocean basins, Beaufort Sea to Baja California: Circum-Pacific Council
for Energy and Mineral Resources, Earth Science Series, v. 6, p. 449-472.
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