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ID T-1-05-AA
Abstract University of South Carolina,Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California,Moss Landing Marine Laboratories,University of Wisconsin. Chief Scientist: Gene Yogodzinski, University of South Carolina. Geophysical data (navigation) of field activity T-1-05-AA in Far western Aleutian Ridge, Kiska westward to Attu area from 07/13/2005 to 08/21/2005
Organization University of South Carolina
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
University of Wisconsin
Chief Scientist Gene Yogodzinski
Activity Type Geophysical
Platform Thomas G. Thompson
Area of Operation
Far western Aleutian Ridge, Kiska westward to Attu area
Location map T-1-05-AA location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 59.75000
165.25000    -150.25000
Ports LEAVE Dutch Harbor, Alaska
ARRIVE Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Dates 07/13/2005 (JD 194) to 08/21/2005 (JD 233)
Analog Materials No analog holdings.
Index map

T-1-05-AA map of where navigation equipment operated

Information Specialist
Dave Scholl
Joe Beland LGL Alaska Research Associates Inc.
Peter Buhl Lamont (seismic crew)
Kate Bull Alaska Volcano Observatory
Bill Cassata University of Wisconsin
Tanya Churikova Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
Martin Collier Columbia University / Lamont
Michelle Coombs Alaska Volcano Observatory / USGS
Ethan Coon Columbia University / Lamont
Bridget Diefenbach University of Idaho
Dave DuBois Woods Hole Oceanoggraphic Institution
Carlos Gutierrez Lamont (seismic crew)
Kurt Heinze University of Washington (ARGO Project)
Meike Holst LGL Alaska Research Associates Inc.
Darren Ireland LGL Alaska Research Associates Inc.
Brian Jicha University of Wisconsin
Peter Kelemen Columbia University / Lamont
Jason Meyer University of South Carolina
Lee Murai Moss Landing Marine Labs
Dave Scholl USGS
Erich Scholz Lamont (seismic crew)
Brad Singer University of Wisconsin
Scott White University of South Carolina
Bob Wilson Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Chris Wyatt University of South Carolina
Gene Yogodzinski University of South Carolina
Equipment Used
Formation of continental crust, far western Aleutian Ridge
and search for evidence of linked hydrothermal circulation
Information to be Derived
Chemistry and age of recovered young igneous rocks
Pre-selected areas will be mapped with multibeam swath bathymetry, candidate
targets identified and
surveyed along SCS lines, targets dredge to recover young extrusive rocks along crestal region of far western Aleutian Ridge.
NOTES: Rocks samples will be returned to University of South Carolina, Lamont-Doherty, and Wisconsin University.
Seismic and mutlibeam data will be returned for storage at USGS, Menlo Park as part of our archive of Aleutian Ridge geologic and geophysical data
Equipment used: Single-channel GI airgun, BA35, EM300 multibeam bathymetry, rock dredging
Got Help? For T-1-05-AA, we would appreciate any information on -- analog materials, contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, kms of navigation, national plan, NGDC Info, notes, owner, project, project number, publications, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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