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City hall Greenroof

Since late 2003, the patio outside Atlanta City Hall’s fifth floor cafeteria has been home to the first city-owned green roof in the Southeast.  The green roof is one part of Atlanta’s commitment to environmental leadership and has attracted interest from local government officials, gardeners, design, construction and landscape professionals – and of course regular cafeteria goers! 

Atlanta undertook construction of the green roof to demonstrate the benefits of this healthy roofing alternative.  Green roofs are important for many reasons including:

  • Reducing extreme hot summer temperatures in the city center
  • Cleaning the air by increasing greenery in the urban core
  • Lessening the stormwater load on our sewer system
  • Creating a peaceful retreat from traffic and noise

View the dramatic transformation of City Hall patio into greenroof.  You can also see it in person, the greenroof is open to employees and the public during regular cafeteria hours, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Many thanks to our partners for making this important project possible.