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Cover of Title BookTravels in Egypt and the Holy Land

In 1838, British artist David Roberts (1796-1864) embarked on a journey that would change Europe's perception of the Middle East. Nurtured on Bible stories and tales of the exotic Orient, Roberts had always dreamed of exploring the Holy Land. Now he set himself the goal of bringing home a clear and accurate visual record.

Europeans had venerated the Holy Land for centuries, but to travel there was an arduous, dangerous undertaking. At the turn of the nineteenth century, scholars in the emerging science of archaeology began to explore the region's ancient ruins and artifacts. But to the European mind, the Middle East remained as much a land of fable as of fact and Orientalist art was far more a product of imagination than of observation.

Roberts set forth at this juncture of scientific observation and romantic fascination. He returned with a portfolio he described as "the most interesting that has ever left the country."

Beautifully presented and accessibly priced, with 64 color reproductions and lucid, lively text, Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land evokes the moment in history when the European and Middle Eastern cultures discovered one another. No other book on David Roberts is currently in print in the United States.

Edited by Debra Mancoff

Available from booksellers and the Library of Congress Sales Shop, Washington DC 20540-4985

Paperbound, 11 1/2 by 8 7/8 inches, 128 pages, 64 color illustrations
ISBN 0-7649-1029-9