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  Health Metrics Network

Health Metrics Network (HMN)

:: Belize becomes HMN Wave One Country
Belize raised its international profile today as a leader in health information system development with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Government of Belize and the Health Metrics Network (HMN), a Geneva-based partnership hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO).

:: Global Fund HIS Tools for Grant Application Round 9
This collection of documents is offered as a support to countries planning to apply for funding from the Global Fund to strengthen their national health information systems.
29 April 2008: Version 1.1 of the HIS Costing Tool is now available. Please share with us your experience with the tool by emailing

:: HMN MONTHLY UPDATE: Summer 2008
This monthly update describes the achievements for June, July and August and the plans and priorities for the weeks immediately following. During this period, HMN invited Belize to become a Wave One country and worked extensively with partners through various technical meetings such as the e-Health meetings in Bellagio, Italy and meetings with the Japan International Cooperation Agency in Tokyo. The Secretariat continues to prepare for the 11th Health Metrics Network Board Meeting to be held on 7-8 October 2008 in Montreux, Switzerland.

:: Sierra Leone's Health Information System Revitalized
The Minister of Health and Sanitation, Dr. Soccoh Alex Kabia, unveiled Sierra Leone's revitalized District Health Information System. The district health information system will produce information on key indicators of public health performance for use by decision makers and leaders in chiefdoms, district offices and at the national level.

:: HMN Evaluation Request for Proposals (RFP)
This RFP is issued to select an institution (or prime recipient institution with designated subcontractors) to evaluate the Health Metrics Network late in 2008 covering the first three years of HMN activity since the launch in May 2005.

:: Assessing the National Health Information System, An Assessment Tool
National HIS strengthening must start with a broad-based assessment of the system’s own environment and organization, responsibilities, roles and relationships; and of the technical challenges of specific data requirements in order to: allow objective baseline and follow-up evaluations – assessment findings should therefore be comparable over time; inform stakeholders – for example, of aspects of the HIS with which they may not be familiar; build consensus around the priority needs for health information system strengthening; and mobilize joint technical and financial support for the implementation of a national HIS strategic plan – with indications of the priority investments in the short term (1–2 years), intermediate term (3–9 years) and long term (10 years and beyond).

:: HMN Architecture for National Health Information Systems (HIS) [pdf 431kb]
The third edition of the HMN Framework will contain the next level of technical elaboration for HIS strengthening activities. HMN is researching the appropriateness and adaptability of the discipline of enterprise architecture as an approach that might contribute to this work. This paper describes our current thinking on an architectural approach to HIS strengthening.

Second edition of the Framework

HMN Framework, Second Edition

HMN's growing body of experience is reflected in second edition of the Framework and Standards for Country Information Systems available for download through this link.

:: HMN Framework, Second Edition [pdf 1.67Mb]

The second edition has important new contributions from countries and partners, particularly in the elaboration of methods and standards for implementation as represented by the three-phase road map for applying the Framework.

HMN is also printing a hard-copy edition that will eventually be available through the HMN secretariat.

The Framework will continue to evolve and HMN is now receiving contributions from across the world that will shape the third edition which will address the next level of technical elaboration. Please continue to share your experience and questions with the HMN Secretariat online at We look forward to capturing the work, best practices and aspirations of the global community committed to health information system strengthening.

Registering births and deaths : “The Job that No One Wants”


:: View picture essays...


Sierra Leone: a 10-year health information plan

Thailand: a silent epidemic

The Lancet series: "Who counts?"

Civil registration: why counting births and deaths is important

HMN Evaluation RFP Key Documents
:: Health Metrics Network Governance

:: HMN TAG TORs [pdf 1.30Mb]

:: HMN-WHO MOU [pdf 873kb]

:: HMN Board Meetings

10th HMN Board Meeting
7-8 April 2008, San Francisco, California
:: HMN Board Meetings

MoVE Resource Kit CD Cover
Monitoring Vital Events Resource Kit
A compilation of available materials from WHO, UNSD and technical experts around the world. It is time to track all births and deaths. EVERYONE COUNTS!
Stepping Stones to Improving the Monitoring of Vital Events

HMN Strategy and plan of operations for 2007-2008 [pdf 4.03Mb]

HMN Biennial Report 2005/2006 [pdf 1.91Mb]

Contact us
Health Metrics Network
20 Avenue Appia
1211 Geneva 27
Tel: +41 (0)22 791 5494
Fax:+41 (0)22 791 5855

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