Argonne National Laboratory Community and Environment U.S. Department of Energy

Argonne Combined Appeal – Contributing to the Community

Argonne employees run an annual campaign to support local and national nonprofit health and welfare agencies. Through this Argonne Combined Appeal, employees have contributed more than $4.5 million in the past five years. The program was established in 1977.

Nearly two-thirds of all regular employees contribute to the campaign, which is run during October each year. Contributions are made through payroll deductions or one-time cash contributions.

The Argonne Combined Appeal supports the following organizations:

Raffle sales and other fundraisers cover administrative costs so all money raised goes directly to the agencies. Any funds left over are donated to local agencies. The 2004 Argonne Combined Appeal Steering Committee contributed $3,000 from extra raffle sales. Argonne provided $750 each to:

  • The Angelman Syndrome (AS) Foundation mission is to advance the awareness and treatment of the syndrome through education, research grants and support to the individuals and their families with AS. Angelman Syndrome is a genetic disorder that causesspeech, movement or balance problems and difficult-to-treat seizures.
  • The Center for Speech and Language Disorders strives to help children with communication disorders reach their full potential through evaluations, therapy and support services. The ACA donation will go toward the "Help-A-Child" fund which provides financial assistance to children whose families cannot afford services.
  • Little Friends, Inc. of Naperville works to help children and adults with special challenges to learn, work and participate in the community. The ACA donation will purchase new therapeutic equipment for the Parent-Infant Program. The program is an early-intervention program for children born prematurely or who have experienced birth trauma, those with behavioral disturbances, genetic disorders, speech and language delays or undiagnosed developmental delays.
  • Woodridge Community Pantry is an all-volunteer organization that provides food and personal care items for Woodridge residents. The ACA donation is helping fund a new initiative at the pantry. The pantry will supply breakfast to school children who qualify for free lunches and breakfast in District 68, which includes Woodridge and parts of Lisle and Downers Grove , until the schools begin providing the service.

Argonne Combined Appeal

Katrina relief

Argonne employees are among thousands who contributed to $7 million raised for Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund. More...

Argonne Director Robert Rosner presents Argonne employees' contributions to charitable organizations.

COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTION – Laboratory Director Robert Rosner (far right) presented Argonne Combined Appeal checks to four local agencies on April 19. Pictured from left to right, are Eileen Braun of the Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Tracy Wannemacher of the Little Friends of Naperville, Nevin Hedlund of the Center for Speech and Language Disorders and Roger Schmith of the Woodridge Community Pantry. Photo by George Joch.

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