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DFAS File Layout System Information

September 19, 2001

This document is to detail what information South Dakota used to fill the DFAS records for batch reporting of Wage Withholding orders.

A scan of a South Dakota wage-withholding document will be sent with this information. The scan will have references written next to certain fields (example R1/F6). The R1/F6 refers to Record 1/Field 6 of the DFAS record layout. A copy of the record layout that was used by South Dakota will also be sent with this document.

Most of this information comes from the DFAS record layout found in the K1BPRG.doc file that you also have either from South Dakota or from DFAS. More information has been given in the areas that SD found confusing when programming.

DFAS File Layout System Information

Header Record (HR):

  • The entire record is either hard-coded fields or date and time stamps. No system information was required for this record.

Record 1 (R1):

  • Field 1 (F1): Hard Code '1'
  • Field 2 (F2): State Tracking ID - SD uses court case ID + add date of withholding - any thing can be used - this if for the State's information any way.
  • Field 3 (F3): Transaction purpose code -- State will decide depending on add, update, or termination of withholding.
  • Field 4 (F4): FIPS code of State - format is '__46000' (for South Dakota for example) - 2 blanks, 2-digit state code, and 3 zeros.
  • Field 5 (F5): Wage Withholding number - this is the court case ID for South Dakota.
  • Field 6 (F6): Wage Withholding date - SD used date withholding was entered into system.
  • Field 7-10 (F7-10): NCP name information
  • Field 11 (F11): NCP SSN

Record 2 (R2):

  • Field 1 (F1): Hard Code '2'
  • Field 2 (F2): Transaction Code - VI (Current Support), VJ (Past Due Support), AK (Agency Fees).
  • Field 3 (F3): Monthly deduction amount - used for all transaction codes in the format of 99999.99 150 decimals must be on the file.
  • Field 4 (F4): Monthly deduction percent - used for VI or VJ only - in the format of 999.9999 - decimals must be on the file.
  • Field 5 (F5): Total Garnish amount - used for VJ or AK only - in the format of 9999999.99 - decimals must be on the file.
  • Field 6 (F6): Not to exceed percent - for SD, 050.00 (50%) is max income that can be withheld.
  • Field 7 (F7): Effective Date - SD uses date withholding was added to the State system.
  • Field 8 (F8): Stop Date - SD uses only on Terminate.

Record 3 (R3):

  • Field 1 (F1): Hard Code '3'
  • Field 2-7 (F2-7): Address where payment should be sent.
  • Field 8 (F8): Custodial Parent's name

Record 4 (R4):

  • Field 1 (F1): Hard Code '4'
  • Field 2 (F2): Child name
  • Field 3 (F3): Child DOB

Record 5 (R5):

  • Field 1 (F1): Hard Code '5'
  • Field 2-5 (F2-5): Bank information if payment center receives money via EFT/EDI
  • Field 6-9 (F6-9): Caseworker information

Order Control Record (OR):

  • Field 1(F1): Hard Code 'O'
  • Field 2 (F2): Record count of Records 1-5 for that order

Trailer Record (TR):

  • Field 1 (F1): Hard Code 'C'
  • Field 2 (F2): Count of H, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, O records for the entire file. Does not count itself.

Lessons Learned / Important Points to Remember

  • Order Records (OR) - should only count the number of '1' through '5' records - do not include the 'O' record in the count
  • Trailer Record - 'C' record - should only count the number of H, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and O records for the file - do not include the 'C' record in the count
  • All name fields on the file can contain alpha characters only - no special characters such as commas, apostrophes, numbers, dashes, etc. Letters and spaces only.
  • Effective Date (R2/F7) is mandatory for all record types and for all transaction types.
  • Decimals must be in the amount and percent values in Record 2. See example test file that SD provided you.
  • Stop date in Record 2 (R2/F8) is optional but if no value - fill with blanks not zeros.
  • Address lines in Record 3 (R3/F3-4) - be sure address line 2 is not filled in unless address line 1 is.
  • Record 2 Monthly Deduct Percent (R2/F4) - not allowed for AK (Agency Fee) transaction type.
  • For transaction types VI and VJ - Monthly Deduct % or Monthly Deduct Amount is used, not both.
  • Record 4 Child birthdate (R4/F3) - birthdate must be greater than 01/01/1900. If not, then birthdate is invalid. Also, both F2 (Child name) and F3 (Child DOB) must be present. If both fields are not filled in - DO NOT create a Record 4 for the child. These are optional records.
  • File is variable with each record containing different record lengths. SD programmed this in IBM Mainframe Natural and can offer any assistance if needed.
  • Please review the example test file provided by SD. This will help as you follow through the file layout.

Creation of DFAS Orders through Batch Job Impact on SD CSE System

  • SD CSE caseworkers will enter a wage-withholding on the state system just as they would for any employer.
  • A new field was added that the worker would fill in for a DFAS withholding only. This field along with storing the new withholding to the database will set a flag that the nightly batch job would pick up.
  • The batch job analyzes dates and flag values to decide which type of transaction should be sent, 00 = add, 01 = terminate, 04 = modify. DFAS file is created.
  • A report will print from each batch job listing the case number, NCP name, caseworker, and action taken (add, terminate, or modify) for each withholding that was picked up in that batch run.
  • To the workers, the only change is to mark the new field created for DFAS only withholdings. They do not have to send paper copies of the withholding to DFAS. This batch process leaves very little extra work for the caseworkers to do compared to withholdings they would generate to any other employer.

Contact Information

Tara Faylor
State of South Dakota
Bureau of Information and Telecommunications
Development Team 4
Address: 700 Governors Drive
BIT - 2nd Floor Kneip
Perre, SD 57501
Phone: (605) 773-4320
Fax: (605) 773-5806

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Last modified: February 03, 2003