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Have a Question about Head Start Reauthorization?
Your Name: Enrico Pegarido
Your Email: rpegarido@gdoe.nt
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Date of Suggestion: 07/02/2008 01:15:36
This refers to Sec 645 (a)(1)(B)(iii)(II)1. Does the Head Start program consider participants registered under the 130%of the poverty guideline part of the 10% over income count?2. Does the Head Start program need to establish a criteria to determine who canbe assessed eligible under the 130%. (example: children determined high risk andwhose income is between 100% to 130% of poverty guideline can be assess eligible) or Can the Head Start program register anyone that falls between 100% to 130%of poverty guideline.3. Is it right to assume that if four children are registered in the following manner:1st child is income eligible - under the 100% poverty guideline2nd child is over income but eligible by means of a disability - under the 100% poverty guideline3rd child is over income but eligible by means of a high risk status - under the 130% guideline4th child has no high risk or diabilities but fall within the under 130% guideline - not eligibleThe placement will be ranked:1 - 1st child2- 2nd child - part of 10% count over 100% poverty guideline3 - 3rd child - part of 35% count between 100% to 130% guideline. NOT counted as part of 10% count4 - 4th child is assessed not eligible
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