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Have a Question about Head Start Reauthorization?
Your Name: Carol Morgan
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Your Contact Number: 210-370-5663
Date of Suggestion: 04/10/2008 17:59:16
Reauthorization states that "homeless" children are automatically qualified for Head Start. The clarification I seek is regarding the definition of "homeless" as outlined by McKinney-Vento law. The intrepretation that I am being told by consultants that work with the Homeless Program at my organization is that any family who is living with another family due to economic hardship or any other hardship, such as health, is considered homeless. Please clarify if this is the intrepretation OHS would like grantees to use.McKinney-Vento appears to have been written to protect youth who are homeless or living with friends as their parents have removed them from their home or for families who have lost their home in fire, flood, eviction, etc. or for women who may have been kicked out of their home by a spouse, family member, etc.
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