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Have a Question about Head Start Reauthorization?
Your Name: Christine Gee
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Your Contact Number: 208-765-6955
Date of Suggestion: 03/21/2008 12:36:07
This is not a question - and don't want it to show up as a question in the list yet - but here are some items you may want to consider when developing guidance to implement the new regulations.First about how to meet the new requirement of a parent or former parent on the Board: Since our grantee has 18 different programs and Board members from many places across the country, I wonder how receptive the Board will be to having a representative from only one program - but client reps from each would make the board really large. Could an Advisory Council of reps from all programs which could meet with the Board for brainstorming and planning work? Or maybe a set time for the EHS rep and Director to meet with the Board when Head Start concerns are being discussed? Perhaps more conversation is needed here since there probably are many different ways Boards are set up and operate. I'm sure programs could offer some other ideas.In thinking about tuition assistance given to staff with the 3 year commitment afterward....I was concerned that having them agree to stay a certain length of time would constitute an employment contract and we are an "at will" agency. This may make us unable to help staff.Good luck....this is a big job. We will be looking forward to more information on all the new regulations.
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