OLA receives more than 4,000 constituent inquiries per year from Members of Congress. This section is designed to explain some of the Marine Corps policies and help Congressional Staff expedite the resolution of your constituent’s case.

This information is provided as a resource for Congressional Staff to aid in resolving common Marine Corps related constituent issues.


To expedite the handling of your constituent's case, please take the following steps:


1. Read.  Review the Office of Legislative Affairs Correspondence (OLAC) section's Common Subjects page to determine if you can answer your constituents question(s).  You may also check the Caseworker's Handbook


2. Phone.  Call OLAC if you have further questions as how to handle your constituent's case at (703) 614-1738.


3. Fax.  Send the case, with all accompanying information and a copy of the Privacy Act Statement, by fax to OLAC at (703) 614-4172/4768.  Sending it by mail or sending it to any other department will significantly delay a response.


4. Follow up.  If you do not receive an acknowledgment to your inquiry within 3 days, please contact OLAC at (703) 614-1738 to ensure your fax has been received.


** Please note that the Office of Legislative Affairs responds to inquiries from congressional offices only and does not communicate directly with constituents.**