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USGS CMG InfoBank Atlas: Alaska meters

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Breadcrumbs: Global > North_America > United_States > Alaska >
Quick picks: Aleutian Arc   Alaska EEZ   Arctic Ocean   Canada   North Pacific Ocean   Pacific Northwest EEZ   Russia   Beaufort Sea   Chukchi Sea   Bering Sea   Sea of Okhotsk   Norton Sound, AK   Gulf of Alaska   Western Gulf of Alaska   Eastern Gulf of Alaska  
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Data subsets: accelerometer   Beckmanstc   CTDmeter   CTmeter   currentmeter   Dill-Moorevaneshear   expendablebatthermograph   Geoprobe   heatflow   hydrometer   meteorologic   motionsensor   penetrometer   pressuregauge   pyranometer   quantameter   Secchidisc   seismometer   temperature   tempsalinometer   thermistor   tidemeter   tripod   turbiditymeter   vaneshear  
Map of Atlas area: ak Aleutian Arc Alaska EEZ Arctic Ocean Canada North Pacific Ocean Pacific Northwest EEZ Russia Beaufort Sea Chukchi Sea Bering Sea Sea of Okhotsk Norton Sound, AK Gulf of Alaska Western Gulf of Alaska Eastern Gulf of Alaska
102 Field Activities
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AA Aleutian Arc
ARO Arctic Ocean
CAN Canada
NP North Pacific Ocean
PNEZ Pacific Northwest EEZ
RU Russia
BEA Beaufort Sea
CS Chukchi Sea
BS Bering Sea
SOK Sea of Okhotsk
NS Norton Sound, AK
GAK Gulf of Alaska
WG Western Gulf of Alaska
EG Eastern Gulf of Alaska

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