Financial Improvement and Debt Management Group (FIDMG)

Financial Improvement and Debt Management Group (FIDMG)

In carrying out its responsibilities, the Financial Improvement and Debt Management Group:

  • Develops and implements financial management improvement projects.

  • Performs debt servicing functions, including:
    • negotiating promissory notes
    • offsetting debts against current recipient drawdowns
    • referring debts to the Office of the General Counsel for litigation
    • writing off uncollectible debt
    • referring uncollected delinquent debt over 180 days old to the Department of the Treasury for further debt collection action.
  • Provides customer service to internal program offices, other federal agencies, Congress, and the public at large.

  • Maintains the Department-wide Bankruptcy Information System for the Department. When formal or informal notices of a bankruptcy filing (or pending bankruptcy) are received, FIDMG alerts the program offices and gathers information for referral to the Office of the General Counsel for the purpose of filing a claim on behalf of the Department.

    Many of the functions performed by this group are mandated by regulations such as the Federal Claims Collections Standards and the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996.

  • FIDMG Service Representatives

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Last Modified: 04/16/2007