Selected Bibliography

Adamson, Jeremy, and Helena Zinkham. "The Prokudin-Gorskii Legacy: Color Photographs of the Russian Empire, 1905-1915." Comma, v. 3-4 (2002): 107-144.
Also available online as a pdf file, http://www.ica.org/biblio.php?pdocid=342.

Allshouse, Robert H. Photographs for the Tsar: The Pioneering Color Photography of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii. New York: Dial Press, 1980.

Billington, James H. The Face of Russia: Anguish, Aspiration, and Achievement in Russian Culture. New York: TV Books, 1998.

Brumfield, William C. A History of Russian Architecture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Brumfield, William C. "The Color Photographs of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii." Visual Resources 6 (1990): 243-255.

Coe, Brian. Colour Photography: The First Hundred Years, 1840-1940. London: Ash & Grant, 1978.

The Empire That Was Russia: The Prokudin-Gorskii Photographic Record Recreated. Library of Congress exhibition, April-August 2001. Available online: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/empire/

Garanina, Svetlana P. "Delo Kantseliarii Soveta ministrov o pribretenii v kaznu kollektsii fotograficheskikh snimkov dostoprimechatel'nostei Rossii S. M. Prokudina-Gorskogo, 1910-1912 gg.," Rossiiskii arkhiv: istoriia otechestva v svidetel'stvakh i dokumentakh XVII-XX vv. (Moskva: Rossiiskii fond kul'tury et al.), v. 9, 1999, pp 466-492.

Lyons, Marvin. Russia in Original Photographs, 1860-1920. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977.

Minakhin, Viktor. Dostoprimechatel'nosti Rossii v natural'nykh tsvetakh: ves' Prokudin-Gorskii, 1905-1916 = The Splendors of Russia in natural colors: the complete Prokudin-Gorsky, 1905-1916. Moskva: Nauchno-restavratsionnyi tsentr "Restavrator-M": Gos. muzei arkhitektury im. A. V. Shchuseva, 2003.

Obolensky, Chloe. The Russian Empire: A Portrait in Photographs. New York: Random House, 1979.

Riasanovsky, Nicholas V. A History of Russia. 6th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000

Robb, Andrew, "Conservation Corner: Albums, Photos, Glass Plate Negatives," Library of Congress Information Bulletin 60 (May 2001). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0105/conservation_corner.html

Library of Congress
September 27, 2005