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USGS CMG N-II-07-JP Metadata

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Metadata & Data: Imagery   Metadata   Navigation   imag (GE GM)   nav (GE GM)   sites (GE GM)   times (GE GM)  
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Abstract United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California,Purdue University,Oregon State University,University of California at Los Angeles,Kobe University,Pacific Gas and Electric Company,Kyoto University,University of Tokyo,Nagoya Institute of Technology,Tokyo Institute of Technology,California Department of Transportation,Earthquake Engineering Research Institute,Geo-Engineering Earthquake Reconnaissance. Chief Scientists: Rob Kayen, Co-Leader, U.S. Geological Survey, Santiago Pujol, Co-Leader, Purdue University. Geotechnical and Photo data (terrestrial lidar scanner) of field activity N-II-07-JP in Niigata, Japan from 07/19/2007 to 07/24/2007
Organization United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
Purdue University
Oregon State University
University of California at Los Angeles
Kobe University
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Kyoto University
University of Tokyo
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Tokyo Institute of Technology
California Department of Transportation
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Geo-Engineering Earthquake Reconnaissance
Chief Scientist Rob Kayen
Santiago Pujol
Activity Type Geotechnical and Photo
Platform Land
Area of Operation
Niigata, Japan
Location map N-II-07-JP location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 37.53702
138.43828     138.77613
Dates 07/19/2007 (JD 200) to 07/24/2007 (JD 205)
Analog Materials No analog holdings.
Index maps

N-II-07-JP map of where navigation equipment operated

N-II-07-JP map of where navigation equipment operated

Information Specialist
Brian Collins, USGS
Rob Kayen Co-Leader, U.S. Geological Survey
Santiago Pujol Co-Leader, Purdue University
Brian Collins U.S. Geological Survey
Scott Ashford Oregon State University
Steve Dickenson Oregon State University
Yohsuke Kawamata Oregon State University
Scott J. Brandenburg University of California at Los Angeles
Yasuo Tanaka Kobe University
Hidetaka Koumoto Kobe University
Norm Abrahamson Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Ben Tsai Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Laurie Johnson Kyoto University
Yousok Kim University of Tokyo
Toshimi Kabeyasawa University of Tokyo
Nanako Marubashi Nagoya Institute of Technology
Kahji Tokimatsu Tokyo Institute of Technology
Peter Yanev
Mark Yashinsky California Dept. of Transportation
Equipment Used
terrestrial lidar scanner
Geotechnical reconnaissance of earthquake damage is
performed following major earthquakes worldwide in order to document
and assess how large earthquakes affect the land and build
The primary M6.6 tremor of the Niigata Chuetsu Oki (offshore)
earthquake occurred at 10:13 a.m local time on July 16, 2007,
and was
followed by a sequence of aftershocks that were felt during the entire
time of the reconnaissance effort.

The event had a shallow focal depth of 10 km and struck in the Japan

Sea offshore Kariwa.

The quake affected an approximately 100 km-wide

area along the coastal areas of southwestern Niigata prefecture.


event triggered ground failures as far inland as the Unouma Hills, in
central Niigata, the source area of the 2004 Niigata Chuetsu

The primary event produced tsunami run-ups along the

shoreline of southern Niigata that reached maximum heights of about
20 centimeters.
The reconnaissance was a combined effort of the Earthquake
Engineering Research Institute (EERI) - Learning From Earthquakes,
and the Geo-Engineering Earthquake Reconnaissance (GEER) activity of
National Science Foundation (NSF).

EERI and GEER dispatched the first reconnaissance team to

Niigata, Japan, within three days of the earthquake.


team was led by Robert Kayen of the United States Geological Survey
(USGS) and composed of Scott Ashford, Steve Dickenson, and Yohsuke
Kawamata from the Department of Civil Engineering at the Oregon State
University; Brian Collins at the USGS; and Scott Brandenburg of the
University of California at Los Angeles.

EERI supported the

reconnaissance of structural engineer Santiago Pujol (co-leader) of
Purdue University.
The EERI team also included
Laurie Johnson (Kyoto University),
Yousok Kim (University of Tokyo),
Toshimi Kabeyasawa (University of Tokyo),
Nanako Marubashi (Nagoya Institute of Technology),
Kahji Tokimatsu (Tokyo Institute of Technology),
Peter Yanev, and
Mark Yashinsky (California Dept. of Transportation).

The EERI-GEER team was joined by international

GEER members Prof. Yasuo Tanaka and graduate student Hidetaka Koumoto
of Kobe University.

Norm Abrahamson synthesized the seismological

information about the event.

Photographs in Virtual Globes

metadata: [
Web-based report is available on line at:

Web-based report is available on line at:

Keyen, Robert, Collins, Brian, Abrahamson, Norm, Ashford, Scott,
Brandenberg, Scott J., Cluff, Lloyd, Dickenson, Stephen, Johnson, Laurie,
Tanaka, Yasuo, Tokimatsu, Kohji, Kabeyasawa, Toshimi, Kawamata, Yohsuke,
Koumoto, Hidetaka, Marubashi, Nanako, Pujol, Santiago, Steele, Clint, Sun,
Joseph I., Tsai, Ben, Yanev, Peter, Yashinsky, Mark, and Yousok, Kim, 2007.
Investigation of the M6.6 Niigata-Chuetsu Oki, Japan, earthquake of July
16, 2007: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1365, 230 p.
Kayen, Rob, 2008, USGS Researchers Lead International Team Investigating
Damange Caused by Offshore Earthquake Near World's Largest Nuclear Power Plant
in Japan, USGS Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter, Jan./Feb. 2008, available on
line at:
Got Help? For N-II-07-JP, we would appreciate any information on -- analog materials, contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, information to be derived, kms of navigation, national plan, NGDC Info, owner, ports, project, project number, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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