Crisis Response: Creating Safe Schools

Supporting Materials: Crisis Kits

Crisis kit items should be gathered and stored at strategic locations inside and outside of schools. These items can be kept in a large bag, plastic garbage can, or barrel. Common locations include principals' offices, local fire and police departments, police car trunks, and specially designated places in all areas of schools. Information in the crisis kits should be updated periodically, as appropriate. Gather the number of supplies that are needed for the size of the school.

  • Separate placards with directional words, such as PARENTS, COUNSELORS, MEDIA, CLERGY, VOLUNTEERS, KEEP OUT

  • Color-coded name tags and sign-in sheets for the service personnel listed above

  • Blank white poster board for additional signs and duct tape to attach signs to tables

  • Notebooks, pens, and magic markers

  • Preprinted referral pads to be given to each counselor and clergy person:

    Name of counselor/clergy _____________________________
    Name of person to be referred for follow-up _________________
    Concerns __________________________________________
    Date ______________________________________________

  • Walkie-talkies to communicate with members of the crisis response team and other emergency personnel and extra batteries

  • Ankle bands or wrist bands (such as used in a hospital) to identify victims

  • First aid supplies

  • Blankets

  • School site layout, building floor plans, and aerial maps

  • Current roster of students and staff with pictures, addresses, phone numbers, emergency contacts, and important medical information

  • Attendance rosters

  • Brief summary of school history, number of teachers and staff, and name of principal

  • District fact sheet with enrollment, number of schools, etc.

  • County map with school district bus routes marked

  • Bus rosters and routes

  • Resources list of support personnel, e.g., contact person for local phone company

  • Caution tape to keep people outside restricted areas

  • Emergency response telephone numbers

  • Telephone directory for school system


Kramen, A.J., Massey, K.R., & Timm, H.W. (1999) Guide for Prevention and Responding to School Violence. Alexandria, VA: International Association of Chiefs of Police.

Return to Day 1: Preparing for a Crisis.

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Last Modified: 09/19/2008